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Pre-fight jitters

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Does anyone else get ridiculously stressed/nervous before a fight or comp?


If so, how do you deal with it/overcome it?


I'm not talking about an actual fear of being harmed or anything girly like that, but more 'performance anxiety', fear of failure that sort of thing.


I used to throw up before rugby matches and it's that sort of thing - basically a massive adrenaline spike that seems to sap most of my cardio.

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I used to get really nervous before the weigh in more than anything.

Once I have made the weight then everything was ok LOL.


The weights I have fought at:


Light weight =60kg (yes really!!! and thats at the age of 27 and standing at 5'11"), Light Welterweight =63.5kg , Welterweight = 67kg and Superwelterweight(sometimes known as Light middleweight and in this case is 67-71) = 70kg.


Funny thing is, whatever weight I was supposed to fight at I'd always ending up just making it as being offered a fight at a higher weight just lead to me eating more.


Once the weigh in was over. I would make loads of noise in the changing room and get to know every other fighter in the same corner.

That made for good atmosphere. Good atmosphere and camaraderie leads you to worry less. Also if you dont fear defeat you cant lose!

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Have search about on the web for 'sports performance anxiety'.


See for example:



Some other articles stress the pre-contest bit more, in that it is a fear of the unknown and you should visualise the location, people, your performance in as much detail as you can everyday from about a week out to help remove as much of the 'unkown' from the occassion as you can.


If you fancy some heavier reading....:


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I get so nervous that i am up and down all the time to the toilet! i agree with Richard Quinn about the experience thing!


Good Luck!



Tanya, which gym do you fight out of and which shows (and which discipline) do you compete in?

I know you have trained in Lau gar in the past (possibly still do) and you train with Paul Powers at the SDF.

Are you one of the Lau Gar girlies who fought on the octagon ?

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Tanya, which gym do you fight out of and which shows (and which discipline) do you compete in?

I know you have trained in Lau gar in the past (possibly still do) and you train with Paul Powers at the SDF.

Are you one of the Lau Gar girlies who fought on the octagon ?


Why do you need to know this Chef? :suspect:


I will come and introduce myself sometime, if you really want to know who i am :love: :love: :love:


Anyway back to the topic - Pre-Fight Jitters!

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Why do you need to know this Chef? :suspect:


I will come and introduce myself sometime, if you really want to know who i am :love: :love: :love:


Anyway back to the topic - Pre-Fight Jitters!


Probably because then ill have someone different to stalk ?


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how do you deal with it/overcome it? ..more 'performance anxiety', fear of failure that sort of thing


Trying to go onto 'auto pilot' mode can help, i.e. function like a robot and try to clear the mind of thought! Forcing yourself to complete normal routines and actions while not interrupting mental 'robotic' thought processes with anxious (or, off topic) thoughts can be helpful.. its not easy though, bit of mental training needed for this :hihi:



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I think a bit of nerves are gr8 when fighting...I know it deffers sharpens me up. But I think best thing to do if ya really bad is to stand in your corner before the fight and listen to ya breathing with reallly long slow breaths...should help with slowing things down...or a good scream and shout with a slap in the face always helps :hihi:

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