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Badminton Chat/Info

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hiya guys...i am very keen on playing badminton as well....used to love it but have not played for a bit...i have my own racquet but wuld love to join you guys on the 10th...lemme know...live on west street so ponds forge is almost hop skip and jump....

take care

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mark hi.....i am looking to playing loads of badminton as well...not played for a bit now so a bit rusty but wuld love to try it all out and see where i go....if u fancy a game lemme know....we'll split the costs wherever we go....

take care adios amigo....

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Hi all,


I see there are now 4 of you organised into a group, but should you need another to play, I'd like to meet up. I've only been playing about 4 months but I can hold my own.

Tuesday night is the only night I cannot make, as i play doubles then.

But if interested, then send an e-mail to lee.sutton@gmail.com.


Hope to see you sometime.



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guys i was thinking of orgenising a little egroup amongst us so that we can all go to play badminton.....i will take responsibility of the group if all agree...i have two email addresses thus far if the rest of u culd send me ur email ids i will arrange for a group email to be sent out whenever two or more guys are available.....i will try to book at pnods forge always unless ne1 of u have better or more cheaper options in mind....i know university is £6 an hour.....

the two email ids i have are mine that is psquack@hotmail.com and that of lee....lee.sutton@gmail.com

culd the rest of u forwrd ur emails to me....or message me with ur ids and i will let eveyone know one week in advance of the court being booked.....

take care


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