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Another shooting in town last night


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Cyclone, I wasn't saying that one local DJ is the root cause of gun crime in Sheffield, although I do think that the immature, insensitive and irresponsible individual in question is making a mockery of "community" radio and has been allowed to do things on radio (including on FM radio) that he should not have been allowed to do. However, why is the problem of gun crime particularly severe in certain parts of Britain (such as in small parts of London and Manchester and in Liverpool, Leeds and Sheffield)? Where has the culture which sees owning, carrying and using guns (and particularly handguns) as acceptable come from because it runs counter to the long-term trends in Britain? Why has the problem of gun crime got a lot worse in the last few years even though the popular scapegoats such as a market for illegal drugs which is on an industrial scale, violence in films, on TV and in computer games or non-white immigration have been around for at least a decade, if not a few?


I'm sure that there are a few reasons why the problem of gun crime is getting worse but I suspect that some of them are specific to particular areas rather than the result of national or international influences.

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Internetowl, my Mod status has nothing to do with my opinion. Much as I would like to have God-like knowledge, I ain't got it... yet ;).


There may well have been more than 3 shootings this year, but I was asking the question... hence the question mark and the 'hmmm' in my OP.


There have been, hmm, 3 this year?


It wasn't supposed to be an authoritative view. If you want to be all uppity about it then I would have to say that your post about it being each weekend was total and utter cobblers. Let's not fall out eh?


I still maintain that Sheffield is a VERY safe place to be.


Shootings are nearly, if not always, between people who have issues with each other. 'Stranger danger' in Sheffield is almost non existent.


I couldn't give a toss about wanna be gangsters and their crappy little make believe underworld. Frankly, the more scrotes that wipe each other out, the happier we will all be.

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Originally posted by Fingers

Where could Sheffield people get the idea that guns are cool? Perhaps they get it from DJ Splicer, a DJ on the so-called "community" radio station Sheffield Live! who plays gangsta rap tracks which glamorise gun possession and use, drug dealing and other crimes and has a collection of jingles consisting of the sound of guns being fired. He's on air now and he must have played his gun shot jingles at least a dozen times in less than twenty minutes and now he's playing a track in which a rapper whinges that "they won't let me out" of prison. That doesn't sound like a station that "fights to break down the barriers of stereotype".



Your comment here is verging on nonsense here fingers.

The shootings certainly lies around the drug culture. Are you suggesting listeners to Sheffield Live are all drug dealers and gun crazy gangsters.

We at Sheffield live are governed to what we play I.E bad language, offensive material and racial equality.

Its hardly encouragement to glamourise gun possession.

However you could make your point by contacting Sheffield live with your point of view but personally I think your barking up the wrong tree mate.

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Dont blame the music/film/games, altho I admit I dont like the culture associated with some types of music as its all about "front/aggression" and bling to get respect - load of absolute rubbish which I hate the way people aspire to.


Most trouble is caused by a small criminal element, unhappy upbringings, drug abuse (esp alcohol), etc. Nothing new really.

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Originally posted by evildrneil

Not trying to mitigate this at all but it looks like a drug/gang related shooting rather than someone blasting random passers-bye.


And lets be honest here violent crime is rarity in the UK in general lets not scare ourselves that were all about to be shot...



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"Are you suggesting listeners to Sheffield Live are all drug dealers and gun crazy gangsters"


No and if you read my posts you will see that I have not suggested that. What I have suggested is that a so-called "community" radio station in Sheffield has been glamourising a predominately American gangsta culture. I don't know whether anyone has been influenced by Westwood-wannabe DJ Splicer's bigging-up of artists who brag about crack dealing, threaten rivals or incite violence against pregnant women, his gunshot jingles or the jingle made by his friend ABM in which he brags about being "surrounded by ho's" or the Shivers crew's raps about gats but they should not have been allowed to do those things on community radio. However, instead of telling these immature people that what they were doing was wrong and trying to exert a positive influence on them the management of the station have allowed them to continue portraying criminality, violence and gun possession as normal and acceptable.


"We at Sheffield live are governed to what we play I.E bad language, offensive material and racial equality."


I know what Sheffield Live!'s guidelines are because I've worked at Sheffield Live!, although my training didn't include the promised session on the content of shows which may have included mentions of the guidelines. The station's guidelines state that:


"Musical content must not contain any improper language, sexual innuendo or mention any illegal drugs, this will not be accepted for transmissions. (If unsure DON'T USE IT) This is because we could get a big fine or even lose our FM licence!"


"Inappropriate language or actions will result in the immediate termination of your show (that includes racism, sexism, violence etc.,)"


However, the station's guidelines are not enforced. I was in The Drum one day during the recent FM broadcast and people swore on air during two shows and the member of management present did not terminate their shows, never mind terminate them immediately which is what they should have done: they were allowed back to do more shows. During the FM broadcast two members of duty management broke the station's guidelines, including one who during an afternoon show said that the male singer of a band wrote a song whilst "stoking his boyfriend". One week during the FM broadcast a group of dance DJs played a track containing numerous swear words but instead of being banned they were allowed to do another show later in the FM broadcast and during that show they played another track with even more swearing in it (I won't say on this website what the track is called because there is swearing in the title). The guidelines aren't worth the paper they are printed on because if you are on Sheffield Live! you are allowed to do what you like.


"However you could make your point by contacting Sheffield live with your point of view"


I have had more than enough experience of dealing with the management of Sheffield Live! to know that doing that would be a waste of time. Well over a month ago I e-mailed two members of management politely asking when a station meeting which they said was going to take place was taking place and I haven't had a reply from either of them (although one of them has e-mailed me to ask if I want to become a duty manager). However, judging by the meetings I've attended before I'm doubtful more meetings would achieve much if the gaps between what was said and what was done and between what was said and what was true were not pointed out. The station's management is unaccountable to anyone and that's one of the main reasons why for the last nine months the station has been falling apart.


Sheffield Live! ought to be a force for good in Sheffield, raising awareness of and encouraging public discussion of problems such as gun violence, gang membership, drug use, binge drinking and domestic violence in the hope of finding solutions to those problems. However, instead of discussing those problems sometimes Sheffield Live! presents such things as normal and acceptable. I'm not saying that there is a direct link between a radio station and crime but would you rather live in a city where there was clear leadership by positive role models who set a good example or a city without such leadership where people ducked difficult issues and decisions and allowed problems to get worse rather than try to solve them? I know which I prefer and which works.

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Three in one week... I lost count at seven this year.. Blunkett certainly gets his facts wrong. Maybe he is being fed propoganda. Regarding crime itself, I know just from my own area alone. There have been several Burglaries in one night alone Five according to the Police Officer I spoke to, Yet, There were Three as I know of unreported burglaries, Two where very little was taken, The other an attempted burglary, The attempted one rang the police, They said , " We are over-run at this moment, We are dealing with several emergencies, Ring us again if they attempt to get in again. There were to my knowledge ( could have been more ). Two serious assaults, One mobile phone robbery, A carrier bag full of shopping from an old lady near to TESCO. None of these were reported. As I say. There could have been more. People no longer report crime unless they really have to. I had a prowler on my garden two nights in a row. Someone tried to break into my shed I did not report this either, So I am just as complacent. But last year, I was burgled, My medication was stolen, along with other things. I reported this. Had to to get medication replaced. The burglar was still in sight. The Police came several hours later. I no longer have faith in the system. The system is also corrupt. But. This is hard to prove or to explain to anyone that has never come across this. Yes.....Crime is on the increase.. Propoganda is being used and the juggling of figures to make us think otherwise.

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You mentioned stranger danger earlier in the thread, Whilst I do tend to agree that this is not an epidemic, It does exist, and, It is serious. Some time ago, I answered an ad for a t.v. set. The address was in Pitsmoor, I was reluctant to go. However, To be safe I went by Taxi. I knocked on the door of the house selling the TV. No- one answered. I was walking away from the door when a guy walked up and asked me what I wanted. I explained to him. He said give me the money for the t.v. I will have him deliver it to your house. I refused, He said I could take it. He had a pistol in his hands, Fair to say it only looked like an air gun. But, I dashed to the taxi. Lucky. The Taxi driver was about to drive off and leave me. Before we got to the end of the road. We were stopped twice and asked why we were driving down that road. We were told to get permission from someone that lived on the road. or we would be dealt with. I was asked how much I was carrying, How much my watch was worth etc. The driver put his foot down and shot out of there. He said he would never go down that road again. But, What I am getting at, The number of roads like this are increasing. There are many roads in Sheffield now that are dangerous not only at night, But during the day also.. I am wary of strangers.

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In reply to Rodgers, the stories you relate of Shirecliffe are equally representitive of whats going in Longley.


Anyone wanting to test this theory - I suggest they go spend an hour in the 'newly' refurbished gardens of the '4 greens' and just see how they get on.


Perhaps the Forum's Sheffield's Safe committee could try it and report back on their findings?


Thought not...

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Thanks for your reply. I am told that I am just an interferring old git. But I agree Longley and Shirecliffe share the same problems. The Committees on these Estates would not agree. A complete mess is being made, Regeneration money is being wasted. I believe that Blunkett visited the four greens recently. I am also informed. That he was told that they look good. They are clean and well restored. That crime around the four greens has gone down a lot.


Well. Maybe Blunkett may beleive this, He will believe anything that does not contadict him.


Would you agree that crime and drug dealing on our estates has increased netowl. I see many youngsters 10 /. 12 years old on dope. I know of several dealers within five minutes walk of the greens.

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