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Another shooting in town last night


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Originally posted by Rodgers



Thanks for your reply. I am told that I am just an interferring old git. But I agree Longley and Shirecliffe share the same problems.


Regeneration money is being wasted. I believe that Blunkett visited the four greens recently. I am also informed. That he was told that they look good. They are clean and well restored. That crime around the four greens has gone down a lot.


Well. Maybe Blunkett may beleive this, He will believe anything that does not contadict him.


Would you agree that crime and drug dealing on our estates has increased netowl. I see many youngsters 10 /. 12 years old on dope. I know of several dealers within five minutes walk of the greens.


As a parent you start to notice these things I'm afraid. Crime is rife on the estate at the moment - on the road I'm on, there's been 4 burgleries in the last few days, also its rumoured that the local 'centre' is going to start housing paedophiles on release from jail. Just what you want. If thats seen as regeneration then its a really sad world. Its a pity that other 'old git Mr Wilson' is no longer with us - he kept the council on their toes. He really did put the hours in. Too many do-gooders from posh backgrounds involved in the committee's to make it effective for local people.

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Originally posted by Internetowl

also its rumoured that the local 'centre' is going to start housing paedophiles on release from jail. Just what you want. Too many do-gooders from posh backgrounds involved in the committee's to make it effective for local people.

Internetowl, I am not doubting your comment here but the centre is a couple of hundred yards from an infant/junior school which I'm sure you are aware of.

Where did you get the information from.

If your right then it needs out forcing and now.

Surely no council would even think of putting paedophiles near a school.

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Originally posted by Tony

I still maintain that Sheffield is a VERY safe place to be.


Shootings are nearly, if not always, between people who have issues with each other. 'Stranger danger' in Sheffield is almost non existent.


I couldn't give a toss about wanna be gangsters and their crappy little make believe underworld. Frankly, the more scrotes that wipe each other out, the happier we will all be.


Whilst this viewpoint may be widely held it is a dangerous one to hold. Even if most or all shootings are between "people who have issues with each other" what does "have issues with each other" mean? A shooting may be the result of a dispute between rival criminals but it may also be an armed criminal's attempt to silence a witness or the settling of a score with someone which could about something as trivial as bad feelings between people when they were at school, the break-up of a relationship with a member of the opposite sex or a perceived insult.


If any gangsters shoot other gangsters their victims may not get much sympathy, although when a leading Liverpool gangster was murdered so many people wanted it to be known that they were mourning his loss the adverts in a local paper filled up three pages. However, whilst there are wannabe gangsters there are also real gangsters and the underworld they live in is not make believe: it is real and sometimes law-abiding citizens get caught up in it as they are entering or leaving a nightclub, driving or in the premises of the types of businesses favoured by armed robbers. If anyone still wants to cling to the hope that this problem will somehow solve itself you can but personally I would prefer it if action was taken to deal with the gun problem, starting with a gun amnesty followed by concerted action against anyone who still possesses firearms.


Our government has used military force against other countries in response to the perceived threat that a few people in those countries posed to people in the UK but I think home-grown criminals pose more of a threat to the people of the UK than foreign terrorists or governments.

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Originally posted by Tony

I couldn't give a toss about wanna be gangsters and their crappy little make believe underworld. Frankly, the more scrotes that wipe each other out, the happier we will all be.


Here, here! Give them a room and last one left standing wins a jail sentence :D;)

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If we have another gun amnesty, What next ? ? An amnesty for burglars, Drug dealers, Where does it stop, Wife beaters, Child porn ( Get computers cleaned free of charge and forget it ever happened. There should be no such thing as an amnesty. Do you really think criminals would hand over their guns. How many criminals do you think handed over guns during the last amnesty. Antiques , Replicas , Old war souveniers etc. two days after the amnesty another shooting.. Amnesties are not the answer to any problem. The answers are there for anyone with the courage to take on the Home Secretary. But, At the moment taking on Blunkett is not a wise thing to do.


Maybe we should have an amnesty for all the allegedly bent politicians out there, Or perhaps the Police. Well we can live in hope. I hope this does not upset anyone, Just trying to provoke a response

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Originally posted by crazey

Shame that pin up club is getting dragged into this, It's a good club night and doesn't deserve to have this trouble going off around it!


Yes a big big shame - ThePin-UpClub (Fridays) & Scuba (Saturdays) will be back very very soon so watch this space - we will be back, bigger and better.


We have not had any trouble on our nights, we reach full capacity each week and our nights are based on having a wicked party, just how it should be.




Get your arse down soon Da Bouncer



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What night was running on Friday when the shooting happened? Was it one of the rubbish RnB nights that the new management brought in to replace the decent music nights that the old management used to run?


I also thought that fez and element were under different ownership, is that right?


Just read in the star that the bloke who got shot in element was shot 3 times in the head, is seriously hurt and currently recovering at northern general.


Getting shot 3 times I'd say that he's lucky to be alive, what were they using - a pea shooter?!

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Originally posted by evildrneil

Not trying to mitigate this at all but it looks like a drug/gang related shooting rather than someone blasting random passers-bye.


And lets be honest here violent crime is rarity in the UK in general lets not scare ourselves that were all about to be shot...


Why can't they shoot each other in private though rather than in a crowded nightclub with lots of innocent bystanders around?

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