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What is the horrible smell in the Fat Cat pub?


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Its the second time I have been in the Fat Cat recently and on both occasions the place smells of vomit. It was particularly bad last Sunday lunchtime and made a hasty retreat to the Kelham. Are they having trouble with the drains or something?

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Ive noticed it as well, not very nice, perhaps someone spilt some milk on the seats. I thought I was unfortunate to go in just after some drunk had thrown up.


Not nice! Sort it out

Smells like parmesan or baby sick! I think the place has gone downhill a lately, it seems tatty and run down. Don't think I could eat anything in there!!!

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*Laughs @ smells like vomit


I'm glad it wasn't just us that thought this. Some friends and I called in a few weeks ago and the place stank!


The carpet was filthy,shiny and black. The seating was rank! We stayed one drink and left.


Come on guys, if you're reading this, sort it out!

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*Laughs @ smells like vomit


I'm glad it wasn't just us that thought this. Some friends and I called in a few weeks ago and the place stank!


The carpet was filthy,shiny and black. The seating was rank! We stayed one drink and left.


Come on guys, if you're reading, sort it out!

It really does need sorting out, especially when the competition in the area is so stiff. In contrast the Kelham Tavern, Riverside, Milestone and the recently refurbished Harlequin are spotless and well run by attentive staff. The Fat Cat, in its position at the side of the Kelham Brewery, is certainly not the flag ship pub it ought to be, but a stinking dump run by rude barstaff.

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