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Story: 'The Invitation.'


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It reminds me of no-one! :hihi:

Nicely done.




Thanks for your comment. I suppose this type of story is not everybody's cup of tea.


As I'm sure you noted, my choice of the President of France as the recipient of the fictious invitation was deliberate. For no matter who occupies that position, he or she is almost certain to be person of culture and good taste.


Therefore, the contrast to the sender was as great as its possible to get. Also the prospect of someone of culture flying for several hours just to stand in field in searing heat to eat hot-dogs with a bunch ya-ho's, is just about nil.



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Is the first word " Yo " any hint ? :D




I think the phrase, "Yo Blair", once came up at meeting somewhere, but I'm not sure. Maybe it was something I saw on television. My memory is not so good these days!



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  • 2 weeks later...
Also the prospect of someone of culture flying for several hours just to stand in field in searing heat to eat hot-dogs with a bunch ya-ho's, is just about nil.


Hi Falls,


That reminds me, your invitation to the writer’s group barbeque is in the post (airmail of course) :D


That was very well done, I would be very interested to see the French Presidents reply to THAT invitation!

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Hi Falls,


I would be very interested to see the French Presidents reply to THAT invitation!




His response would probably be "Mon Dieu".


Incidentally, on my submission I was going to add a postscript to the invitation thanking M. le' President for the colouring books. But that would obviously give the senders identity away.



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