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B&Q Car Park Scam

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The only way these incidents will end if people write to companys, preferably en masse, and state that until they stop using the services of these scum companies then we won't be shopping at their stores no more. They will soon learn.

Good for you thecyclist, and lalaland.


You are right. Although I've never used them in the past I definitely won't ever use PA Autos because it's their property that I am being charged for using despite me never having been on it in my life!


I've also made sure my mates and family won't use them and sent an internal email to all our staff in the UK offices of our company warning of this place and not to use it.


I'm not going to be bullied to pay money I don't owe and just sit back and take it.


I'm all for people controlling parking on their property, however I've not used that property and am still being threatened to pay over money. This is despite saying I wasn't there and despite the company, VCS, not providing their reasons or proof to me to back up their claims. It's bang out of order and these are the people that PA Autos and other companies are hiring to make money on their property.

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Well they could take me to court, but to do that and to actually win they need to prove that I owe them money. For that to happen they would need evidence that proved 100% that I parked where they say and as I didn't park where they say they can't have this.


Has anyone on here ever actually gone to court over this sort of thing?


I would also bring to the court's attention my correspondance with the company showing that I've requested some sort of proof to back up their demmands and that I've still yet to receive anything.


Is anyone from trading standards or SIA on here at all?

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  • 3 years later...

These private parking scams are out of hand. Anyone who has not done so should google "private parking penalty" or similar and will find loads of nationally occurring cases. A stand needs to be made: as I have said on other forums, shopping on-line is easy and convenient so why risk massive charges and a lot of hassle using stores relying on cowboy-operated car parks? People have even been charged for eating their burgers too slowly and overstaying the parking limit by a few minutes!

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