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Have we gone PC Mad - schools


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I have just listened to a News report from the NUT Conference in Harrogate that we are not allowed to teach our children the British values in our schools because we might offend other cultures.

I know Harrogate is North Yorkshire, but when the representite says British values mean Yorkshire Pudding and Roast Beef which is not what we need to teach in our Schools.


As a Sheffielder first and a Yorkshireman second I find this insulting to Yorkshire.


The point of my post is what is the feelings of the Sheffielders out there including all Expats or just maybee I am just getting old and turning into a Victor Meldrew.

I would love your comments

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Full report here.


It doesn't say that they aren't allowed to teach children British values, it's the comment of one person and her own private opinion.


The first ethnic minority president of the National Union of Teachers has said ministers fuel racism by ordering schools to teach "British values".


London assistant head teacher Baljeet Ghale told the union's annual conference Britain did not have a monopoly on free speech and tolerance.


The move only fuelled the "shadow of racism" behind some notions of Britishness, she said.


A government spokesman dismissed her claims as "nonsense".


Definitely not an official guideline. So maybe she has a point, maybe she doesn't, but I don't really detect any PCness on her part.

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Hi Cyclone,

Thanks for you reply. I do not want to get into the to the "shadow of racism" argument, my post was to ask peoples opinion on the question of the people who teach our children and what they are alowed to in the classroom under the guidlines of a Union.


What is wrong for our very hard working teachers to teach our way of life in this country as well as the essential elements of education.


If you accept that teaching British values fuel racism well so be it.

I thank you for your oppinion and that is why I said I would love your comments.

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I didn't say I agreed with the opinions, just that they weren't official guidelines issued at the conference, they are just the opinions of one assistant head teacher.

My main point was that you said

News report from the NUT Conference in Harrogate that we are not allowed to teach our children the British values in our schools because we might offend other cultures

Which is a misrepresentation.

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Hi Sandie,


Don't really have much of an opinion as regards this thread, suppose the government officials opinion about sums it up.


You don't have any contact details available but just wanted to hello from a fellow Sheffielder living in Inverness, can't be that many of us. Can there?

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Again my post asked for comments on the news I heard and what people thought. The statement on the news was Yorkshire Pudding and Roast Beef was not British values that needed to be taught in our schools.

It was opinions I was asking for not website facts if you feel that I have misrepresented my post then I will appologise, but this is a forum not a court

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I don't think you're post was misrepresented, I just think that you didn't have all the facts. That's why I looked up the story to get the full picture.

So in the light of the full story you can modify your opinion, or at least acknowledge that it was just the comments of one person, and not official guidance about what should and should not be taught at school.


That said, i'm not sure why teaching children about types of food that are british or not would be relevant to anything. Curry is just as british as roast beef now, as is fish and chips, smoked salmon, caviar or afternoon tea.

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"Once again claptrap from teachers"


Shouldn't that read:


"Once again claptrap from an assistant headteacher who happens to be a lefty union leader and in no way representative of teachers in general .... allegedly"


This post is now irrelevant and makes no sense since the threads have been merged........thank you!

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