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Have we gone PC Mad - schools


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Hi rubydazzler,

I have just seen your post and I am trying to understand your reply to Cyclone. I lived 5 years in Luton and 25 years in West Yorkshire, I have worked in Bradford and Dewsbury where there is a very lage proportion of other cultures and through the years I have many friends from those area's who are from the Ethnic Community and their attitude is we live and have been born in Britain and we are British and we want to support the Country that is our home and we are proud of it.

If you feel that British Values are "seem to be out of place" in the UK then you are entitled to your oppinion as we all are that is the purpose of a forum


My oppinion is somewhat different when I go to Saudi, India and other areas I abide by their laws and customs out of respect. Is it to much to ask that people that come to our Island abide by the traditional laws of the land i.e the UK.


Regards I await your comments

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That's strange because it was the first sentence, in bold letters too, in the link to the report that you yourself posted :rolleyes:


I can see where she is coming from on this though, we are no longer merely one nation of 'British' people, we're actually multi-cultural now, and many people find their aspect of this of more value to them than we find our aspect of value to us, and therefore, tend to promote it more.


Im some areas where there is a larger proportion of other cultures, this may be more noticeable and therefore, the teaching of "British Values" may seem out of place.


Yes, and what ARE british values anyway? Are we all the same now?

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Yes, and what ARE british values anyway? Are we all the same now?


Sorry you feel that way as a Sheffielder first a Yorkshireman second An Englishman third and British last.


I was led to belive that as you call it British Values was understanding, tollerance and help to your neighbour. The acceptance that our language and way of life is respected by all our welcome visitors. If you think that the British Values do not have any part in this Country then I will accept your view, for myself I would like to keep what values we have left in this my Country and that of my past familly

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