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Can these yanks get any dafter ?

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Just a slight difference, America is not a religion - pedantic I know, but if you replace Americans with Iraqis or Indians it would be more accurate.



It's tarring an entire group, which is the root of bigotry, and the over-riding point. You could equally apply your 'slight difference' to UpinWath (among others) who has called critisism of Islam as 'racist' when it isn't a race.


In fact there are many posters who are very vocal in their attacks on particular types of prejudice, often quite superior about it, while happily making sweeping and offensive generalisations about groups they hate themselves. (That last bit isn't personally directed at UpinWath, btw)

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This kind of idiocy is only to be expected if you send a bunch of young men and women off on what you tell them will be a brief war of liberation in which the locals will 'great them with flowers'. Only for them to find themselves still there as an occupying force years later with no sign of leaving any time in the near future with the locals greeting them with bullets and high explosives.

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Señor upinwath,


And here. Good Lord. Idiots? Cretins? If I referred to muslims as idiots and cretins you'd be burning up the keyboard complaining about it. It is not ok to use the shoddy behavior of a few as bad examples to justify your dislike of an entire group. And that is exactly what you are doing, whether you realize it or not.


:) Sierra


I'm not spanish so if you fancy being formal and using my friday name (:P ) please use mister.


The origional thread tiyle may not have been fair that's why I asked for it to be changed to note the actions of this group of americans.


As for this group I wonder if you can defend their actions and, if so, how ?

If it had been any group from any country I would have come to the same conclusion that they were idiots. It's a british thing. We don't like to see animals hurt.

Kop that for a stereotype. :P:D

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  • 3 years later...

When I was serving in the British army out in Malaya some of the drivers in our unit got a kick out of trying to run over the chickens and hens in our Landrovers and 2 ton Bedford trucks when passing through a native village.


Could they have been as daft?


There are wise men and idiots in any army

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The original post showed young vandals at work. There are vandals among testosterone-charged youths in any country. This is why it's important that when the British go abroad they don't behave like mindless yobs. When they do they let down their country as these soldiers did.


Right now, the world views the British military as a bunch of spineless hairdressers, because a few couldn't stand up to being kept in a room on their own for a few days without totally capitulating to their captors. But I wouldn't say all British are cowards just as the video being used here shouldn't be used to condemn all Americans. There are bad apples in every barrel.


Speaking as an old British soldier anyone calling the British military cowards will be liable to have a bayonet charge directed at him by yours truly.


Same goes for anyone dissing the US Marine Corps... the few... the proud... the brave

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" The Few.....The Proud......The Brave....." Why are you dragging the Labour Party into this ??


Admittedly, Prescott causes mayhem wherever he sets foot, but I 've never heard about him being cruel to animals. Tho', No. 10 's cat did disappear-----could Big John have eaten it ?

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Seems it's ok to slag off americans and call them yanks, but we do not dare upset our ethnic friends and use the word 'p*ki'


Double standards?


No comparison at all. There is no racism involved. It's just **** taking, like we do with French and Germans, Scottish etc.


And for what it's worth, I find Americans on the whole to be intelligent, thoughtful and just plain nice.

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