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Sheffield speedway

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1st time went this year and got to say was dissapointed, not as good as in the past. Compton gates and is miles ahead, and several wobblers behind, and i wont be going back for a while now as i dont think its worth it. They seem to have made it worst now, for an extra quid i can go to wolves and see lindgren pk an hammill.

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Too many rules changes year on year - I went last year after missing a couple, and found there's all sorts of rules about jokers and double points and starting behind the others.....all stems down to the aggregate point rule being cobblers; designed to get teams to ride well away, all it's done is encourage promoters to build teams who stuff everyone else at their own track, and hope they get stuffed slightly les away.


Of course, it would be blindingly simple to change the points to favour good away performances......


In reality, I think as a sport there is still uncertainty in how best to reconcile the Grands Prix with a team sport....the old World Championship was much more dramatic, and the current system has the possibility of riders missing more league matches and also being much more focussed on the Grands Prix (if they're good enough) because that's where the money is.


This creates a problem as the top riders are looking at the individual game, but spectators want the team game......



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Yeah you are right in what you say, its like sheffield, i think theyll struggle mostly away. Cooper birkinshaw and cockle are all poor really. What gets me the most is the poorer standard, yet they had cheek to put price up!

I think there should be something done to the leagues because sheffield really are operating at a lower standard than they should be.

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