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Flares in sheffield


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:mad: I know exactly what you mean about the security staff in Flares!! I went there a couple of weeks ago on a Saturday for a friend's birthday (it wasn't my choice) & we were having a surprisingly good time. We were all quite merry (having a good dance), but one of our group was slightly more drunk than the rest & he was drawing a bit of a crowd with his funky dance moves!! Anyway, the bouncers were having none of it so decided to grab his neck & wrestle him down to the ground before chucking him out! It was totally uncalled for & over-the-top. We tried to explain to the police (who were outside) what happened but they just give the same line time & time again ('you've obviously had a drink so why not just sleep on it'). At the end of the day the bouncers were completely out of order & it was not definitely not a case of 'reasonable force'. Needless to say, we shall not be going back (we are probably barred anyway now)! :(
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