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WW1 Sheffield men

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The digitisation standards are simply a list of recommendations put out by the British Library (I think) which suggest the best way of storing historical information and source material, whether digitised images, documents, objects, sound files from oral history recordings, etc. I'll try to find them on-line and post a link here. They're fairly straightforward. For example, you wouldn't want to take a low-resolution scan of a picture in a file format only used by an antique image editor - if you did so it would be all but useless, people wouldn't be able to use it on their machines or increase its size, etc. etc. Similarly, you don't want a valuable recording, particularly with someone who has passed away, only stored on betamax!


In terms of restoration, then most programs enable you to have a good go - I use photoshop normally. The only thing I would bear in mind is make sure you leave the original as it is, make a copy and work on that, and perhaps seek advice or a beginners course. We're starting beginners' digital imaging courses soon, but these are outside Sheffield.


I'll pop back later as my students are arriving for a seminar. There are lots of interesting resources, forums for military historians - which Dean is probably in a better position to talk about than me.



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hi Helbco

log on to NA. click documents on line, click ww1 campaign medals, click the underlined search, fill in first name fields etc, or better still do a quick search with just the army No, less is more at the NA, go through these results untill you find your man, click details, click add to shopping then follow the instruction for payments. you will get 6 different cards as 6 were copied onto one page.


SDGW # Soldiers Died Great War, compiled by His Majestys Stationary Office from regimental records and published in 1921. this gives where born, enlisted etc. the company Naval and Military Press put these records onto a CDROM, which is searchable by Name,No,Date,Regiment etc. there is also a section on Officers Died. it costs about £350.00 to buy ! but there is a copy in the sports library at sheffield city library. be aware that there are many typo errors.


CWGC # commonwealth war graves commission, all next of kin of soldiers killed were sent a Final Verification Form, which they filled in with address, age etc of the casualty. it is patchy but you should be able to get extra info on your relative. you will also find out where your relative is buried or commenorated.


Army service record/Atestation papers # over 70% of these records were destroyed in 1940 in London by the german blitz. what is left are called the Burnt Series and the Unburnt Series, if you find your relatives papers intact and legible then you are very luck indeed. if they have survived they will give you your relatives every move during the war, plus loads of personal details.

these papers are at the NA in London so you have to go in person or hire a researcher.


1910 census.


there are lots more avenues to search, but this will get you so much.


Hope its of help to anybody else



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  • 2 weeks later...

I would like pass on some info I was given about my father's ww1 record.


I got his record from the internet site and found he had 5 different army numbers, I was always under the impression you were only given one.


Someone told me that if a soldier was injured and withdrawn from action he would be issued another number to join another unit as more than likely his unit had all been killed.


So don't be confused if this happens to you as it gives you moreinfo to trace which units they were in and what actions they took part in.


Just imagine at seventeen year old being blownup, shot, gassed and still being sent back into action.


They all should have been given medals as big as dustbin lids.


Happy Days!

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Hi Dean,


Totally forgot to get that document sorted - apologies, I'll try to get onto it. In the meantime, have you checked out the old threads about the Sheffield Lads? http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/search.php?searchid=2838220


Have you got pictures of Serre? I've got a load I took a couple of years ago I can stick on photobucket if you want them.



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hi ATS

yeah that would be a good way of getting information. and also if anyone wants to help out just give me a shout!

i'd just like to say as well that i fully understand that i am asking those people that have done lots of research on individual soldiers/local memorials to part with their work. the aim of the project is to colate as much information as possible on sheffields ww1 men and women and have it in one 'place' for the benefit of the people of sheffield. i am keeping a 'credit' list of those that send me information so that the research they have done is noted.


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