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WW1 Sheffield men

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hi all

this is a biggy!

i have 3 long term projects on the go at the minute.

the war history of my great grand father, L/cpl 53521 Albert Dale, 2nd Bn york and Lancs, KIA 18/9/18 this is a 7 yr work in progress but about 99% complete. just need a photo of him.


L/cpl 6012 George William Redfearn Glossop, KOYLI KIA 18/4/15. he was my mothers grand mothers first husband. i have just started on george.


and then this one!

this is really long term

im am going to try and attempt to list and chronicle every sheffield born man/woman who died in the great war, or died later as a result of wounds gas etc. thats the army, navy and flying corps. i will be after name,rank,No, age, where lived, where died and buried, photos, jobs they did before war, etc etc. everything and anything on these men and women. i already have basis details on about 5000 men at present. i am aware of the sheffield roll of honor, but this included men domeciled or working in sheffield, i am after men born in sheffield. i have also trawled the SDGW cd and CWGC. also looking for any works memorial plaques around sheffield. am aware of a few of these already and have got the details off them.

i know this is a massive request forumers but these men need remembering and there isn't one comprehensive data bank in this city i know of.

re photographs, papers, letters etc, - i am not asking for any originals, just copies. they are yours and priceless.

many thanks in advance


ps. if this takes off i will leave the thread running and post replies as they build up.


Would all the detail found and listed be freely available to everyone posibly through the library? or do you have or visualise a commercial interest in this project?

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i am not in this to make one penny.

after spending 7yrs researching my own great grand fathers war service it soon became obvious that sheffield as a city was very poor in recognising and honouring the men and women of the city who made the ultimate sacrifice. ALL the material collated will be freely available to anyone and every one at a date in the future.


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i am not in this to make one penny.

after spending 7yrs researching my own great grand fathers war service it soon became obvious that sheffield as a city was very poor in recognising and honouring the men and women of the city who made the ultimate sacrifice. ALL the material collated will be freely available to anyone and every one at a date in the future.



Dean - I will assist you after Thursday this week.

The idea that you have put forward has needed doing for years.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is information of my husbands greatgrandfather taken from the war graves commission site -WINTER

Initials: Tom

Nationality: United Kingdom

Rank: Private

Regiment/Service: York and Lancaster Regiment

Unit Text: 1st/4th Bn.

Age: 41

Date of Death: 05/08/1915

Service No: 2121

Additional information: Son of John and Mary Winter, of Neville St., Sheffield; husband of Florence G. Winter, of 97, Neville St., Pittsmoor, Sheffield.

Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead

Grave/Memorial Reference: II. E. 16.


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My grandfather was Charles Alfred Foster born July 1895 - he was in the Royal Artillery as a driver- he survived the war but I seem to recall he was gassed by mustard gas - that was his story anyway. He served in Mesopotamia - actually he rode a horse and I have a picture of him - let me know if you want pictures - let me have your email address and I will send it on. I am sure I have more info so will search the old boxes and let you have it.

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William Henry Brouse - Corporal 5984 1st Bn East Yorkshire Regiment

died Saturday 1st July 1916 age 24 - son on Frank and Sarah Ann Brouse - Rockingham Lane, Sheffield. Grave 1.c.89 Norfolk Cemetery Becordel-Becourts, Somme.

George William Wragg - Private 204864 4th Bn York and Lancaster Reg. transf. to (277116) 821 st Area Employment Coy, Labour Corp. died Tuesday 9th April, 1918 age 19. son of George Wm and Florence Wragg - 74 Wellington Street, Sheffield. Bethune Twon Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France Grave ref:111.M.4

Hope all this is of use(still haven't found the box with Charles Alfred Fosters details yet)

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