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Sheffield Nightlife - why has it gone backwards?


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we have good nights still UG, RS, Headcharge but even these seem to be the new "cool" and lots of little chavs appear to have picked up on it.


Prices are one thing. Pying £12 to get into UG is fine (as lets be honest not many will be drinking lots of alcohol)


However, unless you are a student club nights seem to be getting more and more pricy.


My dancy mates either go to UG or disappear to Manchester, Leeds, Notts.


I hate GC but it brought lots of people into the city. So did the Music Factory.


Sheffield council and businessmen seem to lack any imagination. The result is that we tend to follow other cities a year down the line and so its old hat.


Bars are full of idiots. So are most clubs.


Leadmill (once the best club in the country. Now a bit of a joke imo- poor music, no atmosphere, unfriendly drunks, bad nights, terrible bouncers.


Kingdon :gag: but has gained a lot of ground on Leadmill




Clubs have closed and no replacement. Late bars are full of fights and idiots. A quiet relaxed late drinking place is hard to find.


Plus points:


more late licences = idiots more widely dispersed.


but truly woeful clubs. so so so so so so bad.


I don't even consider going unless its a very special event.

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Town is stale, with a few exceptions. The big club nights are not offering anything they weren't doing 2 years ago & the smaller club nights are struggling, despite their good line up's with club closures, etc.


One place that has seen a bit of an increase is Shef Uni. The numbers up there have gone from 150,000 a year two years a go to almost a quarter of a million last year. Many of the nights appeal to the mass student population, Juice, Frouk & Pop Tarts, but these nights pull in 4000 students per week. The Tuesday Club, Fuzz Club & Bleach, Stuff't Olives, Climax & the one off Diversion nights offer something a bit different in a highly competitive market. Fuzz Club attracts over a 1000 students & non students per week. You get 2/3 up & coming bands, cheap drinks, a safe & welcoming environment, all for £3.50 in advance.


Look what happened to Leeds, Liverpool & to a degree Manchester when late bar licences were given out on-mass. Clubs closed, bars went from strength to strength. Eventually clubs caught up & each city has some strong club nights that are the envy of Sheffield. Should be interesting when the licenising law changes come into effect in November 2005.

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Is it just due to changing tastes as people get older?


I used to love going clubbing a few years ago, but now it's just horrible: dirty venues, drinks/sick all over the floor, too loud, poor value for money, aggressive people, not enough taxis, etc.


I think perhaps Sheffield nightlife NEEDS to go backwards. By about 35, 40 years...


I would really like a venue that is a true "nightclub", as in the "old days" when they had tables and food and a jazz singer. Something a bit classy, where you get what you pay for (and I personally would be prepared to pay quite a bit).


Does this kind of place exist in Sheffield? Surely I'm not the only one who would enjoy this? Granted, I know nothing about the commercial aspects of this kind of thing, so it may not be feasible anyway.

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Perhaps it's not the bars, pubs and clubs that are the problem, but you lot just getting bored of the same old routine?


I now make the effort to have a night out in a different city some weekends, and it makes the difference.


Two easy ones on a Friday night: Manchester - trains come back to Sheffield through the night, and Derby - last train back is 00:34.


Then of course if you get a decent crowd together it is affordable to book a minibus to take you to Leeds or Nottingham and back...


Or if you can afford it, travel to somewhere further afield and stay over in budget accommodation.


That way you are getting variety, and then on the weekends you do the home town you enjoy it more.


Just think if you are stuck in a rut - if you can name what bar you will be in at what time any weekend you probably are.

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Originally posted by Scottandandy

1 Reason only- Sheffield City council!!!!!!


They refuse late licenses, stop clubs from opening and are trying to stop the problems of drink/drugs by making everyone stay in, its absolutly mad.


Nottingham on a saturday night is amazing- the city centre is alive with people going out and enjoying themselves round all the bars instead of everyone trying to cram themselves into the 6 or 7 decent bars in town and throwing as much alcohol down there neck before 11pm as possible.


Sheffield City Council is NOT to blame - they are not the ones responsible for granting licenses! It is the fuddy duddy old magistrates who probably don't even drink in town.


However in a few months time when the new laws apply then the council take over responsibility for licensing - then we might see some difference for the better?

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You know what I'd like to see - some cool people taking over the disused industrial buildings and turning them into fun party & retail spaces.


Inspirations for this idea come from things like Luftkastellet in Copenhagen where a bunch of arty kids converted a huge disused warehouse into a space with a nightclub, sleeping quarters and a cafe. Apparently it was way cool.


Or just take a walk around Brick Lane in London. Some great old buildings are now selling second hand clothes or are bedouin-style cafe's or are clubs such as 93 feet East.


All of this stuff comes up from the ground - that's where the interesting stuff occurs and not from the corporates, whose bottom line is the all-mighty dollar.


Rant over.


p.s. I've even got a name for my disused-warehouse event idea. We could call it 'Der'lict' (if you've seen Zoolander you'll get my drift), and the first building we could hold a huge party in would be Forgemasters!

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