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Very very WEIRD letter! Anyone know what this is about?!

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Got mine today. Even if it IS a wierdo called Martin, I'd still like to know what HE means by it, and what he thinks he's getting out of sending it to random people...




...he's not a moderator on this forum is he?


edit: any significance in the groupings do we think? I received three lots of three pages stapled together, plus one single sheet. There was no phone number in my envelope (I feel deprived...)

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My old man just got the same message, same photocopies, same phone numbers etc...


My observations/ questions:


I'm not too bothered about the code - all random and means nothing as far as I am concerned.


I'm from Huddersfield as is my old man and all family. We know a lot of people. And can easily 'find' people.


The number that comes with the message is a virgin media number and is using the virgin media provided answer phone (electronic 1571).


It appears the owner of the phone number is listening to the messages. (I believe this to be true as if a short message is left on the answer phone and then another call is made to the number after the message is left the number rings with a busy tone - indicating that the receiver is lifted - hence checking the message).


If the intention of the 'prank' was to inundate the owner of 359418 with calls a person who has the intelligence to call screen would have contacted Virgin by now and blocked with-held numbers.


The remote retrieval of voicemail is not activated on this line (now that would have been interesting as I am sure the code would have been 1914 or similar).


Who made the connection to "Martin" - please PM me with further details.


mrbocci on the ats forums seems to know where "Martin" lives. Please pm me the details (I cannot PM you although I have tried using other forums I have found you on - google is everyones friend).


The 'slip' of paper with the phone number on it appears to be grease proof paper - odd.


Thanks for your help - please let me have this information and I will let you know what is bothering our happy clapper little friend.



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  • 2 weeks later...


I got one on Friday.

Also live in Huddersfield (but workin Sheffield, hence the membership here).

I live in the Kirkburton area, don't know whether that's significant.

Got 3x3 pages plus one extra.

No phone number.

I have a lot of occult books and recognised Tiwaz and the 777 stuff straight away and wondered if it was a joke by a friend of mine who is also into stuff like that.

Pity it's nothing more than some crank posting out random stuff.

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My old man just got the same message, same photocopies, same phone numbers etc...


My observations/ questions:


I'm not too bothered about the code - all random and means nothing as far as I am concerned.


I'm from Huddersfield as is my old man and all family. We know a lot of people. And can easily 'find' people.


The number that comes with the message is a virgin media number and is using the virgin media provided answer phone (electronic 1571).


It appears the owner of the phone number is listening to the messages. (I believe this to be true as if a short message is left on the answer phone and then another call is made to the number after the message is left the number rings with a busy tone - indicating that the receiver is lifted - hence checking the message).


If the intention of the 'prank' was to inundate the owner of 359418 with calls a person who has the intelligence to call screen would have contacted Virgin by now and blocked with-held numbers.


The remote retrieval of voicemail is not activated on this line (now that would have been interesting as I am sure the code would have been 1914 or similar).


Who made the connection to "Martin" - please PM me with further details.


mrbocci on the ats forums seems to know where "Martin" lives. Please pm me the details (I cannot PM you although I have tried using other forums I have found you on - google is everyones friend).


The 'slip' of paper with the phone number on it appears to be grease proof paper - odd.


Thanks for your help - please let me have this information and I will let you know what is bothering our happy clapper little friend.




Did you get any response from this? :)

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