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Very very WEIRD letter! Anyone know what this is about?!

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I have really enjoyed checking on this thread and seeing the development of the story. So many other forums have picked up on it. I would love to know more about Martin's reasons for feeling he has to share this.

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my grandad5 friend ha5 ju5 recieved 5um of the5e 5trange letter5 and pa55ed them on 2 me a5 i have internet ac5e55 the po5t below are very intere5ting doe5 any 1 have any new info??


Also very strange that the s' have turned to 5's??

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i have not bin able to u5e then key which i5 the 19th letter ov the alphabet on my laptop a5 i 5plit a cup ov tea on it and it dont work no more!lol


LMAO that's put pay to any conspiracy theories we had in mind :hihi:

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when i fir5t 5aw thi5 letter the fir5t thing that came into my head wa5 5ecret me55age or 5umet!i wozn't expectin 2 find much about it online!think it wud have bin a bit up5etting for thi5 lady ma grandad knowz 2 recieve thi5 a5 her hu5band who the letter woz addre55ed 2 pa55ed away 3 yr ago!!

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