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Very very WEIRD letter! Anyone know what this is about?!

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I love this sort of mystery so I did a bit of research and this is what I've come up with-


HOV- I believe represents Jehovah, the name of God

IKA- This is the name of a tribe based in Nigeria. I have found a website that refers to Afr-Ika (Africa), but Wikipedia states that it should be split into af-rui-ka, meaning "to turn toward the opening of the Ka (the birthplace)" in Egyptian.


The arrow in the image points to Godo, which is a village in Ethiopia in Africa.


Some Ethiopians believe that they are directly descended from the Israelites and that the Ark of the Covenant rests in a temple in Axum in Ethiopia-




The Falasha Jews (as they are known) "...practised features of the Mosaic Law - food laws and laws of cleanliness and purification, for example. [There are] also resemblances between their calendar of feasts and the Jewish feasts, and between the robes of their priests and the high priest's robes described in Exodus."


This may explain the next link down which refers to Ezekial 4.11- "And you will drink water by measure, the sixth part of a hin. Each day at the same time you will drink it".- Obviously a reference to feasting and ritual behaviour.


The passage ends with- "Thus ample provision in Jerusalem would cease and be replaced by shortage and famine, so that bread had to be measured out and eaten with careful consideration and discrimination, in order that it might be made to last, and water also would be given by measure, with dismay and astonishment at the shortage of it. Indeed they would reach a point when they both craved it, and lacked it, because the shortage was so great. And they would waste away because of their sinful ways and hearts."


So it is directly symbolic of the siege of Jerusalem.


Although others have interpreted this passage as representing the end of the 6th day (the Hin) which is the day that after creating the earth God rests. He sleeps through the 7th day and then awakens on the 8th to crush Satan's head and thus expunge him from the world. Each day is representative of a much longer length of earthly years but there is no record of how many years are represented by a day. This is based upon Genesis 3.15- "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; he shall crush thy head, and thou shalt crush his heel" which has been interpreted as directly referring to Satan (the serpent) hurting God through his heel (this is the death of Jesus for Christians), but God ultimately crushing the head of Satan.


This leads to the bottom set of numbers. Here the author of the letter has tried to indicate 6 occasions (in earthly years) when Satan will attempt to rule the earth.

I found this-


There have been many attempts by Satan in the past to bring into being a world government ruled over by one man, but God has prevented it from happening because it was not the proper time yet. The Antichrist cannot be permitted to come to power until 5,993 years from the creation of Adam have been completed. One of Satan’s future attempts will succeed, when we are seven years away from the 6000 years being completed. (or slightly less than 6000 years, see chapter two) (5993+7=6000).




The numbers in bold are the first line of numbers on the drawing and I presume the other lines follow the same idea. If so, then the dates he points to are:


1. 2914

2. 1921

3. 1914

4. 1907

5. 1837

6. 1830


So it would suggest that the person sending these letters is trying to show you to look to some Ethiopian Jewish religion to save you from the end of days. The end of days will happen, in his opinion, when the world is governed by one man. His maths and reasoning seems to put this date at 2914 AD- not much to worry about there.


I think however, that the Bible was written as a guide for the people of its own time, not for us. So I would consider this to be a cryptic & clever message but ultimately very misguided.

(I’m not a religious person so if I have made glaring errors here feel free to correct me.)

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I love this sort of mystery so I did a bit of research and this is what I've come up with-


HOV- I believe represents Jehovah, the name of God

IKA- This is the name of a tribe based in Nigeria. I have found a website that refers to Afr-Ika (Africa), but Wikipedia states that it should be split into af-rui-ka, meaning "to turn toward the opening of the Ka (the birthplace)" in Egyptian.


The arrow in the image points to Godo, which is a village in Ethiopia in Africa.


Some Ethiopians believe that they are directly descended from the Israelites and that the Ark of the Covenant rests in a temple in Axum in Ethiopia-




The Falasha Jews (as they are known) "...practised features of the Mosaic Law - food laws and laws of cleanliness and purification, for example. [There are] also resemblances between their calendar of feasts and the Jewish feasts, and between the robes of their priests and the high priest's robes described in Exodus."


This may explain the next link down which refers to Ezekial 4.11- "And you will drink water by measure, the sixth part of a hin. Each day at the same time you will drink it".- Obviously a reference to feasting and ritual behaviour.


The passage ends with- "Thus ample provision in Jerusalem would cease and be replaced by shortage and famine, so that bread had to be measured out and eaten with careful consideration and discrimination, in order that it might be made to last, and water also would be given by measure, with dismay and astonishment at the shortage of it. Indeed they would reach a point when they both craved it, and lacked it, because the shortage was so great. And they would waste away because of their sinful ways and hearts."


So it is directly symbolic of the siege of Jerusalem.


Although others have interpreted this passage as representing the end of the 6th day (the Hin) which is the day that after creating the earth God rests. He sleeps through the 7th day and then awakens on the 8th to crush Satan's head and thus expunge him from the world. Each day is representative of a much longer length of earthly years but there is no record of how many years are represented by a day. This is based upon Genesis 3.15- "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; he shall crush thy head, and thou shalt crush his heel" which has been interpreted as directly referring to Satan (the serpent) hurting God through his heel (this is the death of Jesus for Christians), but God ultimately crushing the head of Satan.


This leads to the bottom set of numbers. Here the author of the letter has tried to indicate 6 occasions (in earthly years) when Satan will attempt to rule the earth.

I found this-


There have been many attempts by Satan in the past to bring into being a world government ruled over by one man, but God has prevented it from happening because it was not the proper time yet. The Antichrist cannot be permitted to come to power until 5,993 years from the creation of Adam have been completed. One of Satan’s future attempts will succeed, when we are seven years away from the 6000 years being completed. (or slightly less than 6000 years, see chapter two) (5993+7=6000).




The numbers in bold are the first line of numbers on the drawing and I presume the other lines follow the same idea. If so, then the dates he points to are:


1. 2914

2. 1921

3. 1914

4. 1907

5. 1837

6. 1830


So it would suggest that the person sending these letters is trying to show you to look to some Ethiopian Jewish religion to save you from the end of days. The end of days will happen, in his opinion, when the world is governed by one man. His maths and reasoning seems to put this date at 2914 AD- not much to worry about there.


I think however, that the Bible was written as a guide for the people of its own time, not for us. So I would consider this to be a cryptic & clever message but ultimately very misguided.

(I’m not a religious person so if I have made glaring errors here feel free to correct me.)


Wow, thanks for that Cavegirl!

Fantastic explanation. :)

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  • 3 months later...
:huh: still on going !!!! its october 2010 and my friend has just recieved the same this weekend .......... 3 books of 3 one single sheet but then another single sheet the same as the booklets ..... yes hes in the phone book and he is a retired gent ... lives in hightown near cleckheaton (inbetween leeds bradford and hudds ! a least i can tell him hes not alone ..... no wait i better refrase that cos hes already freeked that his name may be on an xfile some where lol:hihi:
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So it is some Jewish nutcase then? nice read that cavegirl! you know it is a funny thing this. Religion was created for a group of people to fear one person (god) and to be ruled by this one person. Which in reality this one person is the leader of which ever country.


This though would suggest that one leader would be a very bad thing. which i would agree with as we have seen one person with all the power becomes corrupt soon as they get it.

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