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Very very WEIRD letter! Anyone know what this is about?!

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I wouldn't worry about it.

It looks like a chain-mail posting and they have forgotten to include the page that tells you to make 20 copies and send them to other people.


I know you're probably right but its soooo intriguing!!

I must get to the bottom of it!

The only things I ever get in the post are takeaway leaflets & bills...


Keep phoning the number and let us know what happens!


Will do :thumbsup:

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It looks similar in style to a book I was handed on the tram bridge the other christmas called 'the truth by god'.

The guy that handed it me seemed abit strange but harmless enough, the content of the book was mostly drivel but some of it really angered me, like the part's that said people with mental illness should not take medicine as it is god trying to comunicate with them. It also had 'real money' in the back which was hand drawn in the style of the link. It said that if enough of us copied this money and spent it in shops poverty would end.

If shops didn't accept this real money then they were in league with the devil.

I will have a look for the book later, (i kept it so i could show people or no-one would believe me) and find some of the stranger stuff to quote for you.

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Doesnt it seem strange that the same time this comes, that the movie 'Zodiac' comes out aswell. Your boss isnt connected to a newspaper is he?


Nope he's an Architect!


I was trying to see whether any of the numbers in the top bit had significance




8914 -

7000 =



Apparently a 'hin' was an old measurement about 3.5ltrs or 4 quarts. the bible quote mentions drinking 1/6 of a hin... still no wiser! :huh:

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OFCOM records show that numbers starting 01484 35 are allocated to NTL, and it is indeed Huddersfield. Not seen the item before, and it does seem a little odd! Keep phoning the number and let us know what happens!


I work for NTL (Virgin now actually) I could probably find out who it is lol.. but id prob get into trouble so i wont - youll just have to figure out the mystery yourself!! ha ha

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:loopy: The end is nigh!!!!


run for your lives....save yourselves!!!!!


Yeah you might be right!


According to Wikipedia, The book of Ezekiel is basically about when the Jews were banished to Babylon, and then quite liked it there so decided to stay :) (I'm sure this is a very insensitive over-generalisation, but I'm not religious so its all a bit gobbledygook to me :blush: )


also this:

Ezekiel contains three distinct sections.


Judgment on Israel - Ezekiel makes a series of denunciations against his fellow Judeans ( 3:22-24), warning them of the certain destruction of Jerusalem, in opposition to the words of the false prophets (4:1-3). The symbolic acts, by which the extremities to which Jerusalem would be reduced are described in Chapters 4 and 5


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