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Very very WEIRD letter! Anyone know what this is about?!

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Maybe the next place to look is not what the letter means, but who was it sent to? Why were certain people picked to receive this. What do they have in common? Do they all know a certain person?


I was wondering that last night. I think I'll PM the 2 other people who got them cos they may not want their full details on a public forum, but seeing as it looks like the address was taken from the phone book, their names might have something in common.


I also thought about looking at what page of the phone book their details appear on... may have some relevance to some of those numbers?

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Unfortunately I think it might be someone’s idea of a joke, albeit a sick one. I’ve been putting together everything and here is what I’ve come up with, allowing also for the possibility that the creator may have been deliberately attempting to disguise the real message.


Ika is the name of a member at a site - making games and taking names.

HoV is a contest at that site: HoV (Hours of Verge)

Hov and Ika, were also identified by someone at ATS as airport names, and the diagram shape is similar to what could be folded as a paper plane. It is also the same shape as the rune Tiwaz:

Tiwaz: (T: Tyr, the sky god.) Honor, justice, leadership and authority. Analysis, rationality. Knowing where one's true strengths lie. Willingness to self-sacrifice. Victory and success in any competition or in legal matters. Tiwaz

The Ezekiel phrase is in relation to drinking a measure, which can also be regarded as ones due or ‘just deserts’. And the pages were sent in 3 x 3 lots.

Godo, a Japanese town. Also the name of an online alternative group that I can’t seem to find now. The World Trade Center was also on Church Street

The error in the adding of 7 instead of 70 to get 7070 draws attention to the 7, and a further emphasis is on the boxed 7. Part of the WTC = Building 7. Link Removed

So we have:

Pages 3x3 lots = 9

The diagram shape = Self Sacrifice

Airports = planes

Ezekiel verse = 11 & receiving dues

God concept = Church (WTC, church street)

7 = Building 7 of the WTC which was separate to the twin towers.


As for all the other numbers, personally I don't think they have much purpose other than to distract people from the real intent. Whilst busy analysing a piece it's not easy to see the whole.

Well thats my theory anyway.




Had to remove links to be able to post.

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