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Very very WEIRD letter! Anyone know what this is about?!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all.... never been here before but googled HOVIKA and came up with your forum...

My Dad has just received 3 'booklets' (3 x bits of paper stapled together) all containing exactly the same things.

It was addressed to J. XXXXXXX



With a telephone number of 01484 (Huddersfield code) 359418


The writing was very child-like of foreign


My guess is that the name/address is out of the phone directory but what it means I do not know... I have rung the phone number but it is just an answer machine...


If anyone has any ideas what it means I will keep an avid watch...


It certainly IS weird...


For info... My dad is a pensioner and non-religious

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Its me again... haven't read through ALL the threads but I haven't noticed anyone mention the words underneath the HOVIKA they are at the point of of 'arrow' 'aeroplane' and are G O D O just above the shaft where is says about EZEKIEL 4:11 HIN

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Guest Ant

I think you're all reading way too much into the symbolism.


Chain letters they're obviously not, otherwise there'd be an accompanying letter telling you that your mother [/father/maiden aunt] will suffer a horrible death unless you forward it to five random people within the next twenty four hours.


My guess would be that some poor sod suffering from deep psychosis is the originator, so trying to decipher a hidden message in the letter is like knitting a Rowntree jelly scarf with two pencils and a length of elephant. The recipients will either be random, or part of some non-sensical pattern that makes sense only in his wacky internal world. Psychotics and schizophrenics seem to have an affinity with religion.


shouldn't the numbers read "hyde 2612"!!!!???!!!







... It makes a great opening for a novel, though, don't you think? Joe, you taking notes?

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All the numbers in the boxes mean HOVIKA tranlated into Numerology I dont know about GODO yet but all the numbers Mean HOVIKA Witch is also right at The top of the letter i hope this is of use to you



Which numbers? The 5993, 6000, 6993 etc?

How does that work then? :confused:

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You should look at what the two people who had the information sent to them instead of just focusing on the information sent.


Two guys both from huddersfield? not really a big place. What areas in the town are they both from for example?


Have you checked if the phone number is ex directory? There are other ways to get the number but as duffer said that would be wrong and kind of cheating.

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