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Owls Away Card


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Thank god Allen, for all the abuse he's been getting, has decided to scrap the stupid away card. In all my years of following the owls the away card has got to be the worst idea the club has ever come up with.

The only reason our supporters were persecuted in this way was because we stood out. We took at least 2000 to every away game last season (and more to some- Barnsley, Notts County) and the little clubs didn't know how to handle that many supporters so they got heavy handed with us which just provokes a reaction.

We are no worse than say United, Millwall or Cardiff. It would have ruined our away support if the card scheme had carried on. Why shouldn't clubs like Tranmere and Walsall let fans in who haven't got a card? They will lose out on a lot of money turning away so many wednesday fans from the turnstiles, its not often that they get such a big attendance. On saturday over 200 owls fans turned up without an away card, at 15 quid each thats alot of money to a club who are struggling.

I say well done Allen, he's made a new friend in me. Its shown that he listens to the fans. Now the team can listen to our huge support away from home. I hope it gives them a lift.

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Originally posted by panda79

any evidence to back this up:D .... i wont hold my breath in case i choke



nah il be honest, i would never class weds in same bracket as cardiff seriously


wednesday fans are quite sensible, they just have some idiots


but then again, what club doesn't?

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thats one incident if i wanted to make a cheap shot i could always point out that 2 of your thugs aimed a firework at a 10 year old girl a few years back and where rightly sent to prison


the person who started this thread was talking about a id card at swfc so what the hell its got to do with united fans baffles me:confused: :confused:

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Originally posted by panda79

thats one incident if i wanted to make a cheap shot i could always point out that 2 of your thugs aimed a firework at a 10 year old girl a few years back and where rightly sent to prison


the person who started this thread was talking about a id card at swfc so what the hell its got to do with united fans baffles me:confused: :confused:



im sure they didn't aim it at her but at weds fans in general (although i dont know the story)


the thread was started about the ID card, which was brought around because of the trouble and it went from there

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I tried to start a sensible thread about the reasons for the away card. I know what happens at away matches because I go to alot of them. The battle of the stockport "family" stand (whatever that means) was provoked, as always, by heavy handed policing and home supporters trying to provoke wednesday fans into a confrontation so that they can make a name for themselves against a big club.

I'm just trying to say that to punish all wednesday fans for the offences of a few idiots isn't fair.

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