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Bob Dylan, Sheffield Arena 14/04/07


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I've never seen him live before so what can I expect? Does he play just new stuff? What sort of band? etc.


I'm not a massive Dylan obsessive, though obviously I like him enough to go and see him live. So it feels a bit like a duty rather than a pleasure. I've been putting it off for years but I'm finally making the effort to go. Lots of people say he's rubbish live (even Dylan fans), so I'm expecting the worst really.

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I went to see him last time he played the Arena and ended up walking out after only a few songs. I was rear standing and we were forced to stay in our seats, everyone stood up and you couldn't see the stage. With the lack of the big screens you couldn't see the stage and were just standing in a room listening to music. I could do that at home.


We left and I complained in writing and got compensation.


I hope you have better luck.



Oh....and beanie hats for £18. Disappointing that Dylan sold out. Commercialism was everything he was against....but that was when music was above and beyond commercialism to him. That man has gone, he sold out to become a tribute to himself and to get the cash rolling in that didn't matter in his important years.

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Most songs were done in a sort of loose pub rock style. Arrangements made even his most famous songs almost unrecognisable. No TV screens so unless you were quite near you couldn't even be sure it was him. Ah well, at least he'll have made another half a million quid or so.

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Although ive been a Dylan fan since 1969 i had never seen him live till Saturday.

He was exactly as i thought he would be,never spoke to the crowd apart from introducing his band,and spent half the show with his back to some of the audience whilst playing keyboards.

To be honest everybody loved it apart from me and my mate.

His last 2 albums have been a bizarre mixture of blues,rockabilly,afternoon tea dance music and old fashioned country,there were times i expected people to get up and waltz.

Well i for one didnt like it,even his better known songs were unrecognisable.He was so pedestrian it was untrue,if he hadnt have sung the words 'Im younger than that now' we would never have guessed it was 'My Back Pages'

It was great to actually see him on stage after nearly a lifetime wait,but im afraid its time he packed in,just my opinion!

There was no support,he came on at 7-40 and finished 2 hours later,was he needing his cup of hot chocolate and an early night?

Talking to people afterwards,they loved it-must be me then!

Anyone else go?

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