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OOh.. I love complaining!

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Feedback is always good for a business to receive.


It's nice when companies offer you things so that they don't get bad press, but they don't have to.

If you really don't get what you want out of a company you can always use someone else can't you? Vote with your feet?

Never any point in phoning up and ranting, because - as dramadiva so hilariously points out - you are unlikely to be speaking to the correct person. A well written and reasonable letter will do the job, if you get something free, excellent, if not tough luck. :D





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The best complaint I ever made was Argos. I actually praised the meadowhall store because in comparison the Portsmouth store is awful.


Ordered a pair of 3.99 headphones and was basically ignored at the checkout point for 20 minutes. For 10 of those, there were no staff to be seen. I didn't cause a fuss and had to go to a meeting so left.


The thing I complained about was when I was told the next day after I came back to collect them that it was my responsibility to leave with the item and I probably wouldn't get them (3.99!) - I did, but the attitude of the staff was awful.


I wrote them a letter, primarily because it really annoyed me, didn't even think of compensation at that point and got a cheque for £30 in cash (and the headphones)


Travelodge - dirty room, took us 15 minutes to get another one because the staff were just chatting. Original was £26 and they gave us a voucher for a free stay in any of their hotels at any time without prebooking.


The latest one is Virgin Media who have messed me around so much that at this point, I've got more credits on my bill than services. Yesterday they credited £65, but its getting stupid. I'm trying to resolve a problem and every time I ring them, they say "OK, we'll give you a credit" before they apologise or expain why the problem has happened. Its keeping me happy but the problems keep happening :(


Thats over two years, and I think all of the complaints were justified :)

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The best complaint I ever made was Argos. I actually praised the meadowhall store because in comparison the Portsmouth store is awful.


Ordered a pair of 3.99 headphones and was basically ignored at the checkout point for 20 minutes. For 10 of those, there were no staff to be seen. I didn't cause a fuss and had to go to a meeting so left.


The thing I complained about was when I was told the next day after I came back to collect them that it was my responsibility to leave with the item and I probably wouldn't get them (3.99!) - I did, but the attitude of the staff was awful.


I wrote them a letter, primarily because it really annoyed me, didn't even think of compensation at that point and got a cheque for £30 in cash (and the headphones)


Travelodge - dirty room, took us 15 minutes to get another one because the staff were just chatting. Original was £26 and they gave us a voucher for a free stay in any of their hotels at any time without prebooking.


The latest one is Virgin Media who have messed me around so much that at this point, I've got more credits on my bill than services. Yesterday they credited £65, but its getting stupid. I'm trying to resolve a problem and every time I ring them, they say "OK, we'll give you a credit" before they apologise or expain why the problem has happened. Its keeping me happy but the problems keep happening :(


Thats over two years, and I think all of the complaints were justified :)


absolutely! well done you! freebies arent a way of robbing them blind as some poeple think, but act the companies way of admitting their guilt and making it better!

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who said anything about shouting? you assumed that i did this. I am a manager myself and we alway got taught on courses that people complain for a reason. I welcome complaints with open arms, as do most companies as it helps them to see what they can do better, and after all we do pay their wages!

I've been a manageress before too. I find your attitude kinda too much. That's putting it lightly. I welcome complaints, but it depends on the complainer, but judging from you, you seem to be on a mission to get as much out from the system as you can. That's deeply somewhat disturbing. I'm glad that I have not yet met somebody like that, though I have heard about horror stories. People don't even know where to draw the lines.


I agree that everyone is entitled to their opinion, however I would never tell someone to get a life, I'm not here to argue!

When I pay over £12.00 for bowling, and can't get something as simple as a drink, then I have a reason to write a complaint. I never complain just to complain!

Are you seriously sure? Cos judging from your first post, it certainly does not look that way. Also, since you are not the manager of that company, why should it be your role to make a complaint just so that the company looks into their customer services more? You're human, I'm human, but there does not seem to be any room for errors on your part. I feel sorry for your subordinates.


When I pay £13.00+ for a film I miss at least 15 minutes of the film at key scenes, then I'm entitled to complain. If you buy a DVD and get black screens at regular intervals, you wouldn't take it back? I think the majority of people would.

Yes, those circumstances warrants a complain, but the one about the drink is ludicrous. As is the O2 scenario. Cos they are not lying to you, when they have the right item in that actual store. It does not mean another store may not stock it. There is a difference... maybe their staff needs to be that bit smarter in dealing with customers, and know what their other stores do or don't stock etc. They should have something in place to inform their staff of concessions and all the rest. Clothes stores have a good stragetgies in such scenarios. If I was the customer service department, I will certainly not give you that much credit.


These complaints have happened over a year. The title of my thread may have mislead you to the fact that I look to complain wherever I go. This isn't the case. I used that title simply to draw attention to it, to get people's opinions.

I've probably made formal complaints no more than my one hand over the years. You've obviously stated that you're the king of complaints:


They have seen my wrath now, with a big letter to Head Office!


My OH goes mental, says I'm a moaner! I say as a consumer I'm entitled to good service and when I don't get it I have every right to complain!

Does anyone else feel the same?

What results have you got when complaining?

Need any help complaining? PM me, I'm the master lol




I believe that people working in such industries should give good customer services. If I moaned just for the sake of moaning, because someone doesnt smile, or say please or thankyou then I would complain every day. I receive what I class as not up to standard service most days, but I don't make a comment, I only do this when I believe it is to the extreme!

Good customer services? Yes, definitely. But that does not include being cheated too. If the examples that you have shown is extreme, then I hate to know what you class as not extreme.


Being a person who uses leisure facilities around 5/6 times a week- eating at work, restaurants, cinema bowling etc etc then I think I'm entitled to complain 4 times out of 260 visits in a year!


Another thing I was taught was that for every customer that complains, 10 more suffer the same experience, but are "BRITISH" and don't complain.

I hope this clarifies things for you. :)

So what? That's your lifestyle choice. It does NOT mean that you have a God's given right to complain to every person that serves you. My Gawd! I can't believe someone like you actually walks around and milk the system for what you can get. If you lived somewhere like HK, you will be taken to pieces and bashed to death. Customer Services is non-existence over there, but you are blatantly taking the mick. Which I feel is the other extreme.


It doesn't matter if things are clarified or not, but you are definitely a customer service department's nightmare. You're so blatant and outright in your customer service complaining that you forgotten to think tact in such scenarios. I'd hate to work for you.

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M&S have always been praised for their good customer services. They have a good return policy, and that has indeed drawn more customer loyalties, which is fine. They also acted as an information point on what the customers can do, which is also good. i.e. give product information and tips and ideas.


However, some of the posts made here is the type that do not in my eyes warrant a reimbursement or refund. People seems to be milking the system more than they are trying to give feedback, or rant off.


I think it's fair to reimburse you or to do right what they did wrong. Apologise and be done with.


I know its a cliche to say that we British moans a lot, but this seriously takes the mick.

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I definately think you're missing the point. I had a problem with Pizza Hut as well (forgot that one) because at one point we were ordering a lot of stuff and they never managed to get it all right.


I wrote to them to ask why they were having problems and if anything was being done to resolve the fact that their phone lines went unanswered most of the time. I got a call from the manager offering me a £30 voucher, but more importantly explaining they've had staff problems recently and it was only a short term problem but thanks for letting them know.


Its up to a company if they give out compensation or not, some do, some don't - in most cases where I complain (and theres no financial implications) I'm happy with just an apology - anything further than that is goodwill, which is an important tool for any company.


I'm probably going to complain to South West Trains soon - they keep trying to charge me a penalty fare because I get on at one station where the two ticket machines and ticket office are closed and don't have time in the 3 minutes between stations to get a ticket.


Apparently if the staff complain about the broken machines, it goes through a process which can take months to resolve - if a customer complains, it goes through their complaints process and should be resolved within 5-10 working days...


edited to add: I have also wrote in to praise companies quite a few times and recieved gestures for doing that. I wrote to ASDA a while back to say how much of a pleasure it was shopping with them instead of Tesco and recieved a £10 gift card :)

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Complaints get things done but so does praise! :D

I served a family when I was pretty new to waitressing... I was pretty busy but kept it cool and served everyone as best I could. I got a £5 tip and then I saw the man go over to my manager and I was thinking "oh nooooo!" What have I done wrong?! and he pointed to the table where he'd been sitting, smiled and walked off... Puzzled, I carried on.... But then my manager came over and told me that he'd just been told that the man in question has been to all the restaurants in the vicinity and ours was by far the best for food quality and excellent attentive service. :D :D I got the night off that I'd been nagging for :D


Similar experience when I was working a bar at uni.


Working with a guy that was new the job, and he kept messing up a lot of table orders- forcing me to run around like a mad man making sure that everyone got the right food at the right time.


One family unfortunately had to wait a long time but I worked my ass off for them, bringing drinks to them (even though they're supposed to come to the bar) and they left a tip for me. I initially refused, as I thought it was shoddy service, but they insisted! :D

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I definately think you're missing the point. I had a problem with Pizza Hut as well (forgot that one) because at one point we were ordering a lot of stuff and they never managed to get it all right

I don't think I am. You think that what was said *is* within the rights out customer service complaints, just because you got something returned to you which in a way reaffirms that. I am saying that individuals should take note of their own actions. I am sitting here reading some of the things said and thought to myself, "how outrageous of people to be like that".


If you missed my point, then let me be more direct.


1) I do believe in making a complaint for bad services. I do.

2) I also think that under some circumstances, a customer should complain.

3) SOME examples are NOT worthy of complaint.

4) SOME scenarios does NOT warrant a demand of free things

5) I believe in following the system. Customer Services does not mean charity, nor does it mean freeloading.


I wrote to them to ask why they were having problems and if anything was being done to resolve the fact that their phone lines went unanswered most of the time. I got a call from the manager offering me a £30 voucher, but more importantly explaining they've had staff problems recently and it was only a short term problem but thanks for letting them know.

If phonelines were unanswered, they could be busy. In some restaurants, they make a note to pick up the phone and leave it to get an engage tone. NOT all restaurants may do this however. That's company policies and individual choice of action surely. WHY would you complain about that?? Don't you think that it's common sense?


Anyway, how do you know if that is the true case? Well, vouchers are sent which can be used for their company which brings you to spend with them. :rolleyes:


Its up to a company if they give out compensation or not, some do, some don't - in most cases where I complain (and theres no financial implications) I'm happy with just an apology - anything further than that is goodwill, which is an important tool for any company.

I did write in response to address all posts in this thread. Well, good for you if that is your approach, but some of the other things written here is taking the mick. Don't you think ?


I'm probably going to complain to South West Trains soon - they keep trying to charge me a penalty fare because I get on at one station where the two ticket machines and ticket office are closed and don't have time in the 3 minutes between stations to get a ticket.

I can't believe you're going to complain about that. So what? Either get the ticket from a machine which provides such facilities, or buy on board. Surely if you stated this, then the ticketmaster will tell you that he will waive the fee? Cos I have done that also, and some people have been kind to let me off.


Apparently if the staff complain about the broken machines, it goes through a process which can take months to resolve - if a customer complains, it goes through their complaints process and should be resolved within 5-10 working days...

Really? Hard to believe.


edited to add: I have also wrote in to praise companies quite a few times and recieved gestures for doing that. I wrote to ASDA a while back to say how much of a pleasure it was shopping with them instead of Tesco and recieved a £10 gift card :)

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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I don't think I am. You think that what was said *is* within the rights out customer service complaints, just because you got something returned to you which in a way reaffirms that. I am saying that individuals should take note of their own actions. I am sitting here reading some of the things said and thought to myself, "how outrageous of people to be like that".


If you missed my point, then let me be more direct.


1) I do believe in making a complaint for bad services. I do.

2) I also think that under some circumstances, a customer should complain.

3) SOME examples are NOT worthy of complaint.

4) SOME scenarios does NOT warrant a demand of free things

5) I believe in following the system. Customer Services does not mean charity, nor does it mean freeloading.



If phonelines were unanswered, they could be busy. In some restaurants, they make a note to pick up the phone and leave it to get an engage tone. NOT all restaurants may do this however. That's company policies and individual choice of action surely. WHY would you complain about that?? Don't you think that it's common sense?


Because several times on ordering they failed to deliver dips (with wedges), drinks, things like that. Then it was impossible to let them know that we hadn't recieved the full order. As a result, the meal was less enjoyable, and thats the truth. They may have been lying, but I haven't had a problem with the phones being answered since.


Anyway, how do you know if that is the true case? Well, vouchers are sent which can be used for their company which brings you to spend with them. :rolleyes:


I did write in response to address all posts in this thread. Well, good for you if that is your approach, but some of the other things written here is taking the mick. Don't you think ?


No I don't. Why should you just accept bad service from companies? Beyond that, I'd never demand financial compensation - the only time I did was from TV licensing because they'd cost me a bank charge, and I got it back, plus a bit extra. I didn't ask for the extra by the way.


I can't believe you're going to complain about that. So what? Either get the ticket from a machine which provides such facilities, or buy on board. Surely if you stated this, then the ticketmaster will tell you that he will waive the fee? Cos I have done that also, and some people have been kind to let me off.


Really? Hard to believe.


Heres the situation


Station A where I get on has a ticket office, a ticket machine and a platfofm ticket machine. The ticket office has said "closed due to a fault" since January. The ticket machine has never worked and the platform ticket machine says pay at ticket office.


Station B is about 4 minutes away and has staff monitoring the barrier. I've been told that I should get on at the back of a 12 coach train and walk all the way through to find the guard - sometimes the back 6 are locked off so I can't even walk all the way through.


When I get off at Station B, i've been told every time that I need to buy my ticket before boarding. They've also told me three times they were going to charge me a £20 penalty fare. Each time I've explained my situation, but it adds 5 minutes to my journey.


Having a conversation with the guard the other day, I was told its a known problem, but the company don't do anything unless a passenger complains - because a complaint has to go through their complaints procedure which demands a response as opposed to the staff complaints which is an informal thing.


edited to add: around 50% of the time, I do get a ticket from the guard, but thats pretty tricky when I can't find him.


:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


I didn't ask for the gift card, I was praising their staff because it was nice to actually be able to shop without having to listen to bored fed up staff rant at each other about how much they hate their jobs. I didn't complain to Tesco as it happens, just to Asda to give them a little bit of praise :)


So why the rolleyes?

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Because several times on ordering they failed to deliver dips (with wedges), drinks, things like that. Then it was impossible to let them know that we hadn't recieved the full order. As a result, the meal was less enjoyable, and thats the truth. They may have been lying, but I haven't had a problem with the phones being answered since.

If you want to make a complaint, then you should say so to the manager at that time and right there and then. It is part of their job to deal with it. Then if anything, they can deal with the staff *in* that restaurant. At that frontline. Why write to a head quarter etc? I've waitressed, and I have also note how long it takes between ordering to cooking, to delivering to the table. It's all time management. That's just good services. Unfortunately, not all restaurants will train their staff this way, but smarter staff will indeed train themselves. Yes, late food, burnt food. Definitely complain. Hanged phone. No answer. No...what if they were busy? How will you know if you wrote to the central office?


To be honest, I don't always tell things to customers that I do not feel they need to know. That's my management business. It is not their role to get involved.


To counter-argue this point. That demanding customer that I encountered about finding a driver to deliver to his place, when the restaurant do not even offer a delivery service is taking the mick. He would've gotten freebies or refund, IF we were in the wrong. (Which is the best that we can do.) Just that I told him on the phone that IF this is the case, then this will be what happens next. So we go and check. Cos believe you me, a lot of people are indeed cheats and do milk the system too. The onus is on the business to sieve through different type of customers who are milking the system, to those that isn't and is a genuine cause. No wonder the customer services department is so big nowadays, due to this kind of demand.


No I don't. Why should you just accept bad service from companies? Beyond that, I'd never demand financial compensation - the only time I did was from TV licensing because they'd cost me a bank charge, and I got it back, plus a bit extra. I didn't ask for the extra by the way.

Please note that I have not said anywhere that I do not believe that customers should accept bad services. However, this "bad service" business is subjective to different people, and I feel that some of the scenarios given in this thread is NOT warranted. Are you telling me that ALL the scenarios given in this thread is actually acceptable behaviours from customers, even though businesses tries to follow the ethic that "customer is king" ?


Station A where I get on has a ticket office, a ticket machine and a platfofm ticket machine. The ticket office has said "closed due to a fault" since January. The ticket machine has never worked and the platform ticket machine says pay at ticket office.


Station B is about 4 minutes away and has staff monitoring the barrier. I've been told that I should get on at the back of a 12 coach train and walk all the way through to find the guard - sometimes the back 6 are locked off so I can't even walk all the way through.


When I get off at Station B, i've been told every time that I need to buy my ticket before boarding. They've also told me three times they were going to charge me a £20 penalty fare. Each time I've explained my situation, but it adds 5 minutes to my journey.


Having a conversation with the guard the other day, I was told its a known problem, but the company don't do anything unless a passenger complains - because a complaint has to go through their complaints procedure which demands a response as opposed to the staff complaints which is an informal thing.

Instead of a complaint letter, why not write a praising letter to say that the staff has been kindly waived the penalty for this many times, under such circumstances?


I simply do not understand this expectation.


edited to add: around 50% of the time, I do get a ticket from the guard, but thats pretty tricky when I can't find him.


I didn't ask for the gift card, I was praising their staff because it was nice to actually be able to shop without having to listen to bored fed up staff rant at each other about how much they hate their jobs. I didn't complain to Tesco as it happens, just to Asda to give them a little bit of praise :)


So why the rolleyes?

I'm rolling my eyes cos I cannot believe what I am reading?

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