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Why can't men settle for being friends with a woman without there having to be sex?

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I was friends with a sheep once and there wasnt sex....well not for ages anyway.



You just leave my sheep alone ....... I need to speak to you about the maintenance of a few lambs ...... The ALFB ( Absent Lambs Father Bureau ) is looking for you too. :hihi: :hihi:

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I've had plenty of femail friends, mostly without problems. Nothing in life is that simple, and people are not alway absolutely certain what they feel, or want.


Sometimes mixed signals are sent, and things can get confused.

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I've had plenty of femail friends, mostly without problems. Nothing in life is that simple, and people are not alway absolutely certain what they feel, or want.


Sometimes mixed signals are sent, and things can get confused.


perhaps you can be scary?

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Yep.. Have had and still have plenty of female friends I havnt had sex with.


Some blokes do seem to want to shag anything in a skirt, the tosspot lad mentality etc... :mad: for some reason girls seem to love em :loopy: , but there are plenty of girls out there that are psycho hose beasts too so it isnt all one sided.


Its not difficult tho.... just dont sleep with them..... duh.....:loopy:


I guess if the attraction is one sided it does depend how much one side feels as too if they can remain friends. If they feel very strongly about the other person it may not be the lack of sex more the idea of seeing them with someone else that prevents the friendship.

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no because if he truly wanted to be my buddy he wouldn't find it h - difficult:rolleyes:


Not true. If you are attractive (to him) then he'll find it h - difficult.


What is it with this female obession with "testing" men like this? If there is nothing sexual in it then why would none of the women I know be happy for their bloke to sleep with a female "buddy"?

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