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Anyone Come From Shirecliffe

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Just wondered if anyone remembers my dad's family.

They lived on Herries Road across from the Five Archers pub.

My grandparents were George and Gladys Reed, My dad Walt and his 2 brothers George and Alan Reed.

They all went to Shirecliffe School.


I think I now who you mean I lived at 570 with my grandparents for a while when my dad was in the navy, then we moved further down the road to 612. The neighbours where, on the left Mrs Reed, (who we called Reedy), a lovely woman. I think She had a son who died in a car crash before my time, her husband was called Walt I think, he died when I was still young. Reedy had a relative who lived in the flats across the road from us called Mrs Middleton.

Next to her was a couple called Howe, dont remember much about them only that he was called Sam, on the other side was a woman called Mrs Robinson and at the side of her a couple called Robberts, a big feller if I remember rightly.

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Hi Broughts

I remenber your grandparents and your mum Mavis also your uncle Ken

Are you the P or D son if i remember your names correctly?


Hi there, I'm Paul, our kid lives in the Tankardsley area now and me, just behind Longley Pk. Ken lives next door to my mams now, he is 70 to day. Great times on Herries Rd as a kid with lovely people, it was all so differnt than what I see today. Anyway was I talking about the same Reedy, I remember when she had the Jack Russel, Rex, he was a nightmare me and our Dave was scared to death of the thing, LoL.

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I think She had a son who died in a car crash ?


If this is the same kid we're talking about, it happened between 1958 & 60, he was talked into joining others when one stole a car from outside the Forum pictures [which was unheard of at that time] the car crashed around the Riverlin area, he was the only one killed.

He was a great kid and never got into any trouble, I seem to think he was still at school at the time, just goes to show what can happen when you give in to peer pressure.

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I think She had a son who died in a car crash ?


If this is the same kid we're talking about, it happened between 1958 & 60, he was talked into joining others when one stole a car from outside the Forum pictures [which was unheard of at that time] the car crashed around the Riverlin area, he was the only one killed.

He was a great kid and never got into any trouble, I seem to think he was still at school at the time, just goes to show what can happen when you give in to peer pressure.


Hi Skippy

The person you are talking about was Alan Reed and he was my uncle, although i never met him as he was killed before i was born, he was my dad's youngest brother. He died in 1961 2 weeks before he was 15, my mum has still got the piece from the paper when the accident was reported in the Star.

Did you live somewhere around Barrie and have something to do with motorbikes?

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No badgemush, I lived on Boynton Rd, so did the driver of the car we're talking about, Allen was a couple of years younger than me but I knew him well, great kid and didn't deserve to go the way he did.

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No badgemush, I lived on Boynton Rd, so did the driver of the car we're talking about, Allen was a couple of years younger than me but I knew him well, great kid and didn't deserve to go the way he did.


Sorry skippy my mum must have got you mixed up with another one of Alan's friends

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sent you a private message broughts


Thanks badgemush, (wont say your real name as I can't seem to be able to send a private message), been a long time since I have seen you, hope you are well, I will tell my mam you asked about her, take care.

ps one or two threads about your uncle Alan, I always wondered what happened. I always remember it cropping up in conversation when I was realy young, very sad you wouldn't think Reedy carried that around with her she was always so cheerful.

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