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Anyone Come From Shirecliffe

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May lived opposite me, Vincent Lindley sounds familiar, but I can't put a face to the name, I knew Cliff Rouse very well and worked with his brother in law and eldest sister when I first left school.

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Not read this thread for a while but was happy to see it is still going.I have noticed a few names that I remember...........


Firstly if anyone remembers Gordon smith (my brother) who lived on Musgrave road for donkeys years then it is with sadness that I have to tell you he passed away last December on his 54th birthday. If you went in any of the pubs around Shirecliffe then you would know him.although he spent the last 8 months of his drinking life in the fortyfoot

A tribute to him is on my website here,




The house at 81 Musgrave road that I was born in has always been in our family since it was built and was sold 2yrs ago when my mother Emily died a few years after my dad Les, I have lived on the Shirecliffe for all but 2yrs of my life, 21yrs on Musgrave and the rest (30+) on Miles road.

On musgrave rd those I have known/know past and present are :-

Mrs Cheetham no.83 ,, The Howarths,,The Bullivants...The Thompsons.... Joan & Ralph Mitchell + son darren & daughter susan who was tragically killed in an accident involving a bus on shirecliffe road.

Raymond,Stuart & Philip Parker (Philip sadly died a few years ago) their mum still lives on Musgrave rd.

Doug & Jean Brookes (My aunty & uncle) + son Harold & daughter jean their mum still lives on musgrave and her son lives 2 doors away.

Troy Duckworth ... lives next to my mothers old house and we have been friends a long time.

John Hammond ...... family ties to mable that owned the fruit and veg shop on longley ave west years ago.Saw & spoke to him in Timbers last sunday.

Karen & Karl Rastrick ...I've not seen them for over 30yrs

Jim Witherford .... Used to drink in the Timbertop, lost a hand at some point in his life but never did find out how.


On miles rd those I have known/know past and present are :-


Stuart & Cath Murfin No.10 & sons Karl (Stuarts) & Nathan & Claire.

Doreen Stocks (my aunty) No.12

Derrick & June Duckworth and the lads

Andy Duckworth

Troy Duckworth

Dale Duckworth

Scott Duckworth

I drink with Derrick most sundays dinners in the Timbers & know the lads well.

Colin & Jean Early ... I see Colin in the Timbers most Fri nights.

Terry & Margaret Stokes & daughters Dawn & Lynne... our families have been friends for years, terry & me go back a long way ..another Timbertop drinker.

Mick & Jean Dudley... Mick has passed away and Jean has gone to live with her daughter. Mick loved darts and we would play most nights, sadly when

they altered the pub interior and moved the board those nights playing died out.

Dennis & Jean Lindley, Denis passed away years ago but they both used to drink in the Timbers, Denis drove HGVs & when that ended he used to deliver curries for our local takeaway on longley ave west.

George Lymer & Wife Had 2 sons george & paul & a daughter called Margaret... George passed away some years ago & I knew him all my life, he was a class 1 driver and could turn you the longest artic round on a sixpence, he was one of the nicest people I have ever met, as kids when it snowed heavy he would attempt to get the lorry up miles rd and we would try to help by throwing ashes onto the road. In thos days he used to park it up outside his house (you have a job finding room to park a car these days !!) but it would usually end by him giving up and parking it outside our house on musgrave road. George loved to be with his mates in the timbers and I,m proud to say I,ve shared many an hour in his company and on the Timbertop fishing matches.


Skippy(not had an e.mail from you for a while hope you are o.k) you mentioned Dave Futter, I know him well and worked with him in the forge for a few years, He is retired now but still drinks in the Dev & Timbertop, he is in our lottery syndicate, you can see him in a video of us both dropstamping that is on my website.




Some more names:-

Billy Brookes .... Shirecliffe school (saw billy the other day, he drinks in the Dev)

Johnny Brookes ...... Not seen him since he had a pub in the Wicker.

Joe & Mick Cox .... Shirecliffe school ..... (Joe worked at Burgon & Ball Holme Lane same as me years ago)

Paul gregory (legger) .... Shirecliffe school ..lived Longley Ave West.....Older than me but knew him from shirecliffe school, saw him about 6 months ago.

Alan Sidall Boyton road I see Sid often, he drinks in the Dev & now looks after his mum god bless her (drank in the timbertop with him for years)

Trev Sidall Boyton road....... School mate at Shirecliffe......he trained to be a plumber ...not seen Trevor for years..... a few of us were over the tip one day, we would have been about 14yrs old and in the distance some other lads had a bonfire going and they had put a 40 gallon oil drum on it,,, well by

the time we twigged and had turned to run, we couldn't have covered more than a few yards when the thing exploded and sent the top of the drum flying towards us,it caught Trev on the leg throwing him in the air and he landed badly on his arm breaking it.He was lucky he didn't lose his legs.


Kevin Harrison...Shirecliffe School ... Last saw Kev driving a taxi at least a couple of years ago.

George Ingram (Gud)..Older than me...Shirecliffe School ...Now sadly passed away, I last saw him at his pub the Roman Ridge

Pete Makey.... Shirecliffe School... Boyton Road...not seen him for a while


Lol Bloominstock...... I've known Lol years. He married Jaqueline West who is the sister of :-

Steve West ... Southey I used to take him boozing when I was 18. We went to see Mungo Jerry at the Mucky Duck (Black Swan)

Andy West.... He lives next door to my brother Rob (Bob) on Shirecliffe Road.

Trev West .....Musgrave road. Me & Rob get together with him occasionally for a pint & a curry.

Kevin West..... Saw him at Gordons Funeral.

Debra West .... Lives just down the road.

Vanessa West ..... Not seen her for over 20yrs

They all lived on Musgrave place with mum & dad Ray & June before flying the nest.


Stan & Alan Hall.....Penrith road ...... Stan no longer lives in Sheffield & I haven't seen Alan for years .Their dad Stan & mum Maggie used to drink in the 5 arches


Des Winters ...Shirecliffe School ...lived on Shirecliffe road, I've known Des and his family most of my life and see him from time to time.... Drank together with him & his dad in the Timbers for years, Des now drinks in the Dev and his sister Marie is married to Pete Bartholamew


Malc Scott ..Shirecliffe School ...Musgrave Crescent, His dad Fred was a Postman & drank in the Timbers.

Malc was friends with Barry Walton(ginger hair) who lived on shirecliffe road and we would all play on the 7 ponds and oer tip.Not seen malc for years but saw barry the other day outside Tesco (aka eseldo cinema)

Dave Lacey........ Shirecliffe School... in my class.. I see him on the odd occasion

Martin Walker ..... Shirecliffe Road (used to live in house next to timbertop)

Kenny Oldham ..... Shirecliffe School... At Gordons funeral ... drinks in fortyfoot

Steve Andrews ..... Shirecliffe School.. Married Janet Broadbent, last time I saw them together was with Gordon in timbertop


Alan Barnes ... Timbertop ...landlord

Gordon Wildgoose... Timbertop ...landlord

Jean & Tricky dicky Fothergill ...landlady

Roger Willis ...landlord

Terry & Josie ...landlord/landlady

Paddy .... landlord

Tracey .....landlady

Mick Cunningham . Timbertop ..... sister cathlene was in my class

Derrick Guite ... Timbertop

Alf Surplus ... Timbertop

Phil the hod ... Timbertop

Pete Davis ... Timbertop

Malc Tatts ... Timbertop

Hanna ..worked behind bar ... Timbertop..went back to Malta I think.


There are lots more names but lets see if anyone remembers the ones I've listed

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Not read this thread for a while but was happy to see it is still going.I have noticed a few names that I remember...........


Firstly if anyone remembers Gordon smith (my brother) who lived on Musgrave road for donkeys years then it is with sadness that I have to tell you he passed away last December on his 54th birthday. If you went in any of the pubs around Shirecliffe then you would know him.although he spent the last 8 months of his drinking life in the fortyfoot

A tribute to him is on my website here,




The house at 81 Musgrave road that I was born in has always been in our family since it was built and was sold 2yrs ago when my mother Emily died a few years after my dad Les, I have lived on the Shirecliffe for all but 2yrs of my life, 21yrs on Musgrave and the rest (30+) on Miles road.

On musgrave rd those I have known/know past and present are :-

Mrs Cheetham no.83 ,, The Howarths,,The Bullivants...The Thompsons.... Joan & Ralph Mitchell + son darren & daughter susan who was tragically killed in an accident involving a bus on shirecliffe road.

Raymond,Stuart & Philip Parker (Philip sadly died a few years ago) their mum still lives on Musgrave rd.

Doug & Jean Brookes (My aunty & uncle) + son Harold & daughter jean their mum still lives on musgrave and her son lives 2 doors away.

Troy Duckworth ... lives next to my mothers old house and we have been friends a long time.

John Hammond ...... family ties to mable that owned the fruit and veg shop on longley ave west years ago.Saw & spoke to him in Timbers last sunday.

Karen & Karl Rastrick ...I've not seen them for over 30yrs

Jim Witherford .... Used to drink in the Timbertop, lost a hand at some point in his life but never did find out how.


On miles rd those I have known/know past and present are :-


Stuart & Cath Murfin No.10 & sons Karl (Stuarts) & Nathan & Claire.

Doreen Stocks (my aunty) No.12

Derrick & June Duckworth and the lads

Andy Duckworth

Troy Duckworth

Dale Duckworth

Scott Duckworth

I drink with Derrick most sundays dinners in the Timbers & know the lads well.

Colin & Jean Early ... I see Colin in the Timbers most Fri nights.

Terry & Margaret Stokes & daughters Dawn & Lynne... our families have been friends for years, terry & me go back a long way ..another Timbertop drinker.

Mick & Jean Dudley... Mick has passed away and Jean has gone to live with her daughter. Mick loved darts and we would play most nights, sadly when

they altered the pub interior and moved the board those nights playing died out.

Dennis & Jean Lindley, Denis passed away years ago but they both used to drink in the Timbers, Denis drove HGVs & when that ended he used to deliver curries for our local takeaway on longley ave west.

George Lymer & Wife Had 2 sons george & paul & a daughter called Margaret... George passed away some years ago & I knew him all my life, he was a class 1 driver and could turn you the longest artic round on a sixpence, he was one of the nicest people I have ever met, as kids when it snowed heavy he would attempt to get the lorry up miles rd and we would try to help by throwing ashes onto the road. In thos days he used to park it up outside his house (you have a job finding room to park a car these days !!) but it would usually end by him giving up and parking it outside our house on musgrave road. George loved to be with his mates in the timbers and I,m proud to say I,ve shared many an hour in his company and on the Timbertop fishing matches.


Skippy(not had an e.mail from you for a while hope you are o.k) you mentioned Dave Futter, I know him well and worked with him in the forge for a few years, He is retired now but still drinks in the Dev & Timbertop, he is in our lottery syndicate, you can see him in a video of us both dropstamping that is on my website.




Some more names:-

Billy Brookes .... Shirecliffe school (saw billy the other day, he drinks in the Dev)

Johnny Brookes ...... Not seen him since he had a pub in the Wicker.

Joe & Mick Cox .... Shirecliffe school ..... (Joe worked at Burgon & Ball Holme Lane same as me years ago)

Paul gregory (legger) .... Shirecliffe school ..lived Longley Ave West.....Older than me but knew him from shirecliffe school, saw him about 6 months ago.

Alan Sidall Boyton road I see Sid often, he drinks in the Dev & now looks after his mum god bless her (drank in the timbertop with him for years)

Trev Sidall Boyton road....... School mate at Shirecliffe......he trained to be a plumber ...not seen Trevor for years..... a few of us were over the tip one day, we would have been about 14yrs old and in the distance some other lads had a bonfire going and they had put a 40 gallon oil drum on it,,, well by

the time we twigged and had turned to run, we couldn't have covered more than a few yards when the thing exploded and sent the top of the drum flying towards us,it caught Trev on the leg throwing him in the air and he landed badly on his arm breaking it.He was lucky he didn't lose his legs.


Kevin Harrison...Shirecliffe School ... Last saw Kev driving a taxi at least a couple of years ago.

George Ingram (Gud)..Older than me...Shirecliffe School ...Now sadly passed away, I last saw him at his pub the Roman Ridge

Pete Makey.... Shirecliffe School... Boyton Road...not seen him for a while


Lol Bloominstock...... I've known Lol years. He married Jaqueline West who is the sister of :-

Steve West ... Southey I used to take him boozing when I was 18. We went to see Mungo Jerry at the Mucky Duck (Black Swan)

Andy West.... He lives next door to my brother Rob (Bob) on Shirecliffe Road.

Trev West .....Musgrave road. Me & Rob get together with him occasionally for a pint & a curry.

Kevin West..... Saw him at Gordons Funeral.

Debra West .... Lives just down the road.

Vanessa West ..... Not seen her for over 20yrs

They all lived on Musgrave place with mum & dad Ray & June before flying the nest.


Stan & Alan Hall.....Penrith road ...... Stan no longer lives in Sheffield & I haven't seen Alan for years .Their dad Stan & mum Maggie used to drink in the 5 arches


Des Winters ...Shirecliffe School ...lived on Shirecliffe road, I've known Des and his family most of my life and see him from time to time.... Drank together with him & his dad in the Timbers for years, Des now drinks in the Dev and his sister Marie is married to Pete Bartholamew


Malc Scott ..Shirecliffe School ...Musgrave Crescent, His dad Fred was a Postman & drank in the Timbers.

Malc was friends with Barry Walton(ginger hair) who lived on shirecliffe road and we would all play on the 7 ponds and oer tip.Not seen malc for years but saw barry the other day outside Tesco (aka eseldo cinema)

Dave Lacey........ Shirecliffe School... in my class.. I see him on the odd occasion

Martin Walker ..... Shirecliffe Road (used to live in house next to timbertop)

Kenny Oldham ..... Shirecliffe School... At Gordons funeral ... drinks in fortyfoot

Steve Andrews ..... Shirecliffe School.. Married Janet Broadbent, last time I saw them together was with Gordon in timbertop


Alan Barnes ... Timbertop ...landlord

Gordon Wildgoose... Timbertop ...landlord

Jean & Tricky dicky Fothergill ...landlady

Roger Willis ...landlord

Terry & Josie ...landlord/landlady

Tracey .....landlady

Mick Cunningham . Timbertop ..... sister cathlene was in my class

Derrick Guite ... Timbertop

Alf Surplus ... Timbertop

Phil the hod ... Timbertop

Pete Davis ... Timbertop

Malc Tatts ... Timbertop

Hanna ..worked behind bar ... Timbertop..went back to Malta I think.


There are lots more names but lets see if anyone remembers the ones I've listed


i lived on musgrave road at number 23 before we moved off the estate in 1968,went to school with chris bartholamew,wes haywood and john gallagher..also remember lol....born 1955 spent a good 13 years on shurrcliff...remember the meadows(tip) and playing in river don and parkwood springs....hated going home when it was dark from speedway through that maze that led from owlerton to the white bridge then home....happy days

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Yeah,,, for about a year I lived on burnell road opposite the dog track and I used to visit ma on musgrave and when it was dark I would head home over the tip down past the back end of what is now the dumpit site ,skirt along the back of the houses on penrith then down the narrow path to the white bridge.At this point it got very eerie as the graveyard was to your right and you could get to the black bridge by taking a righthand path past the graves.

Once over the white bridge the path was protected by iron railings on both sides.

Facing down the path if you looked left all you saw were the black heaps of power station residue silhouetted in the moonlight and looking to your right were all the resting places of the dead, their final homes marked by the overgrown stones that bear the names of the long forgotten.

The path zigzagged so you could not see the end and your nerves were seriously tested.

If hammer house of horrors ever needed a good location then this was it.

Once you got to the end you could follow the don to the bridge below the scrapyard and then you were back on the road and in 5 mins you were on penistone road feeling mighty cocky because you made it.

My daughter is 34yrs old and she can remember me carrying her on my shoulders through the path.

Happy days eh !!!

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Not read this thread for a while but was happy to see it is still going.I have noticed a few names that I remember...........


Firstly if anyone remembers Gordon smith (my brother) who lived on Musgrave road for donkeys years then it is with sadness that I have to tell you he passed away last December on his 54th birthday. If you went in any of the pubs around Shirecliffe then you would know him.although he spent the last 8 months of his drinking life in the fortyfoot

A tribute to him is on my website here,




The house at 81 Musgrave road that I was born in has always been in our family since it was built and was sold 2yrs ago when my mother Emily died a few years after my dad Les, I have lived on the Shirecliffe for all but 2yrs of my life, 21yrs on Musgrave and the rest (30+) on Miles road.

On musgrave rd those I have known/know past and present are :-

Mrs Cheetham no.83 ,, The Howarths,,The Bullivants...The Thompsons.... Joan & Ralph Mitchell + son darren & daughter susan who was tragically killed in an accident involving a bus on shirecliffe road.

Raymond,Stuart & Philip Parker (Philip sadly died a few years ago) their mum still lives on Musgrave rd.

Doug & Jean Brookes (My aunty & uncle) + son Harold & daughter jean their mum still lives on musgrave and her son lives 2 doors away.

Troy Duckworth ... lives next to my mothers old house and we have been friends a long time.

John Hammond ...... family ties to mable that owned the fruit and veg shop on longley ave west years ago.Saw & spoke to him in Timbers last sunday.

Karen & Karl Rastrick ...I've not seen them for over 30yrs

Jim Witherford .... Used to drink in the Timbertop, lost a hand at some point in his life but never did find out how.


On miles rd those I have known/know past and present are :-


Stuart & Cath Murfin No.10 & sons Karl (Stuarts) & Nathan & Claire.

Doreen Stocks (my aunty) No.12

Derrick & June Duckworth and the lads

Andy Duckworth

Troy Duckworth

Dale Duckworth

Scott Duckworth

I drink with Derrick most sundays dinners in the Timbers & know the lads well.

Colin & Jean Early ... I see Colin in the Timbers most Fri nights.

Terry & Margaret Stokes & daughters Dawn & Lynne... our families have been friends for years, terry & me go back a long way ..another Timbertop drinker.

Mick & Jean Dudley... Mick has passed away and Jean has gone to live with her daughter. Mick loved darts and we would play most nights, sadly when

they altered the pub interior and moved the board those nights playing died out.

Dennis & Jean Lindley, Denis passed away years ago but they both used to drink in the Timbers, Denis drove HGVs & when that ended he used to deliver curries for our local takeaway on longley ave west.

George Lymer & Wife Had 2 sons george & paul & a daughter called Margaret... George passed away some years ago & I knew him all my life, he was a class 1 driver and could turn you the longest artic round on a sixpence, he was one of the nicest people I have ever met, as kids when it snowed heavy he would attempt to get the lorry up miles rd and we would try to help by throwing ashes onto the road. In thos days he used to park it up outside his house (you have a job finding room to park a car these days !!) but it would usually end by him giving up and parking it outside our house on musgrave road. George loved to be with his mates in the timbers and I,m proud to say I,ve shared many an hour in his company and on the Timbertop fishing matches.


Skippy(not had an e.mail from you for a while hope you are o.k) you mentioned Dave Futter, I know him well and worked with him in the forge for a few years, He is retired now but still drinks in the Dev & Timbertop, he is in our lottery syndicate, you can see him in a video of us both dropstamping that is on my website.




Some more names:-

Billy Brookes .... Shirecliffe school (saw billy the other day, he drinks in the Dev)

Johnny Brookes ...... Not seen him since he had a pub in the Wicker.

Joe & Mick Cox .... Shirecliffe school ..... (Joe worked at Burgon & Ball Holme Lane same as me years ago)

Paul gregory (legger) .... Shirecliffe school ..lived Longley Ave West.....Older than me but knew him from shirecliffe school, saw him about 6 months ago.

Alan Sidall Boyton road I see Sid often, he drinks in the Dev & now looks after his mum god bless her (drank in the timbertop with him for years)

Trev Sidall Boyton road....... School mate at Shirecliffe......he trained to be a plumber ...not seen Trevor for years..... a few of us were over the tip one day, we would have been about 14yrs old and in the distance some other lads had a bonfire going and they had put a 40 gallon oil drum on it,,, well by

the time we twigged and had turned to run, we couldn't have covered more than a few yards when the thing exploded and sent the top of the drum flying towards us,it caught Trev on the leg throwing him in the air and he landed badly on his arm breaking it.He was lucky he didn't lose his legs.


Kevin Harrison...Shirecliffe School ... Last saw Kev driving a taxi at least a couple of years ago.

George Ingram (Gud)..Older than me...Shirecliffe School ...Now sadly passed away, I last saw him at his pub the Roman Ridge

Pete Makey.... Shirecliffe School... Boyton Road...not seen him for a while


Lol Bloominstock...... I've known Lol years. He married Jaqueline West who is the sister of :-

Steve West ... Southey I used to take him boozing when I was 18. We went to see Mungo Jerry at the Mucky Duck (Black Swan)

Andy West.... He lives next door to my brother Rob (Bob) on Shirecliffe Road.

Trev West .....Musgrave road. Me & Rob get together with him occasionally for a pint & a curry.

Kevin West..... Saw him at Gordons Funeral.

Debra West .... Lives just down the road.

Vanessa West ..... Not seen her for over 20yrs

They all lived on Musgrave place with mum & dad Ray & June before flying the nest.


Stan & Alan Hall.....Penrith road ...... Stan no longer lives in Sheffield & I haven't seen Alan for years .Their dad Stan & mum Maggie used to drink in the 5 arches


Des Winters ...Shirecliffe School ...lived on Shirecliffe road, I've known Des and his family most of my life and see him from time to time.... Drank together with him & his dad in the Timbers for years, Des now drinks in the Dev and his sister Marie is married to Pete Bartholamew


Malc Scott ..Shirecliffe School ...Musgrave Crescent, His dad Fred was a Postman & drank in the Timbers.

Malc was friends with Barry Walton(ginger hair) who lived on shirecliffe road and we would all play on the 7 ponds and oer tip.Not seen malc for years but saw barry the other day outside Tesco (aka eseldo cinema)

Dave Lacey........ Shirecliffe School... in my class.. I see him on the odd occasion

Martin Walker ..... Shirecliffe Road (used to live in house next to timbertop)

Kenny Oldham ..... Shirecliffe School... At Gordons funeral ... drinks in fortyfoot

Steve Andrews ..... Shirecliffe School.. Married Janet Broadbent, last time I saw them together was with Gordon in timbertop


Alan Barnes ... Timbertop ...landlord

Gordon Wildgoose... Timbertop ...landlord

Jean & Tricky dicky Fothergill ...landlady

Roger Willis ...landlord

Terry & Josie ...landlord/landlady

Tracey .....landlady

Mick Cunningham . Timbertop ..... sister cathlene was in my class

Derrick Guite ... Timbertop

Alf Surplus ... Timbertop

Phil the hod ... Timbertop

Pete Davis ... Timbertop

Malc Tatts ... Timbertop

Hanna ..worked behind bar ... Timbertop..went back to Malta I think.


There are lots more names but lets see if anyone remembers the ones I've listed


Hi Les, this is Terry , used to be landlord of Timbertop, myself and Josie are sad to here of the loss of Gordon, he was a good laugh,( though he could be a bit of an handful sometimes when he was over exubarant :hihi:) but he was a good lad really and will be missed by all, of course we know most of the people mentioned, and Jose remembers you from school, as she was off Teynham Drive, our condolances go out to you and family, as for Gud Ingram, we didn't know about him either, I didn't know he had The Ridge, (that was our first pub) the last we heard of him he had the pub at top of Norfolk Park,(can't for the life of me remember the name, it'll probably come to me when I least expect it :hihi:) remember Jose and myself to any you see, and once again our thoughts are with you. :thumbsup:

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Hi sezlez

I lived four door below Colin Early mention motor bikes and he will know who I am instantly,ask what we used to get up to,then tell him to tell Alfie Surplice we go back to 1943 when he lived at the corner house on pollard,he know lives in Revells old house,I ,lived two doors down and Ive still bikes,Harley and a BMW.I dont know any one else you mentioned,the ones I know from musgrave are;Pat Battey June Brockley Sandra Nuttall Ernest Reece Jack Sampson Brian Gray Don Simpson Pauline Simpson Roy Needham Eric Bates the two french fammily girls and the two Lunns Evonne and elaineand Vera Walker and fred Tipper Billy Green there must be more I lived On Crumpsall Rd from1946-1964 but my family were there till 1990 I only went in the Timber tops twice pointless when Idont drinkI can assure you I aint boring.

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