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Anyone Come From Shirecliffe

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Ey Up Terry

Thanks for the comments.If you followed the link to the website you will have seen what killed gordon...what a waste !!.

You and Jose do crop up from time to time when we are talking about old times,we were happy when you got it and sad when you left, the place is going down hill fast and if it stays open another year we will be suprised.

They have just put the drinks up 10p a pint and the stella that I drank went up 20p which they can now shove where the sun don't shine

They are cutting their own throats.

I will double check on friday about gud and the pub.

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Gday Les, I know what you mean about it being a bit scary near the White Bridge at night, we used to walk home from the speedway that way every week.

I used to knock around with Jack Siddall, I think he was the eldest boy.

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Heyup skippy

its live uns I used to worry about,do you rember the grave which was dug up and bits hung off trees and coppers coming to school asking questions,if you ever looked at the graves there are some well known people in there,I know its sad but me and a few friends sometimes go for a look round.The bridge across the river has gone,washed away inthe2007 flood,so has the white bridge they are pinching our memories.

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I remember the cops coming to school between 1955-58 because kids had been stealing stuff from graves that had subsided, some people in that graveyard had been buried with all their possesions, I remember a kid getting something that looked like an old roman helmet amongst other things.

It's a shame that the bridges have now gone, we used to have some fun down on the Don, it was great fun on the black bridge when the steam engines went under too.

Do you remember the school cross country run, down to the Wednesday ground, along the side of the Don, over the White bridge and then up the hill on the meadows back to the school, I didn't go to Shirecliffe school until I was 12 & I came 3rd in the whole school on the cross country when they had the annual sports day, all that runs these days is my nose.

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I think I now who you mean I lived at 570 with my grandparents for a while when my dad was in the navy, then we moved further down the road to 612. The neighbours where, on the left Mrs Reed, (who we called Reedy), a lovely woman. I think She had a son who died in a car crash before my time, her husband was called Walt I think, he died when I was still young. Reedy had a relative who lived in the flats across the road from us called Mrs Middleton.

Next to her was a couple called Howe, dont remember much about them only that he was called Sam, on the other side was a woman called Mrs Robinson and at the side of her a couple called Robberts, a big feller if I remember rightly.


Ey Up Broughts

just spoke to our Rob (Bob Smith) and he remembers you well, Pete Green used to come to our house often.I'm 9yrs older than our Rob so I was at work while he was at school but he often wagged it and came to our flat on Barnsley rd.

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heyup skippy, I once got caught taking a shortcut over black bridge and got the big stick Id done it a few times so I couldnt complain


I think we all did from time to time buller, old Herman's stick was as thick as a broom handle, and he used to love giving punishment, some of the women teachers used to send us to him for the cane as they didn't like to do it themselves.

Went for a virtual tour of the Shirecliffe & the city centre on the Google street thing today, it's a lot different in places to what I knew, even got lost a few times, :hihi:

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heyup skippy

you dont want to get lost on there these days your loved ones may never see you again I was walking up LAW a few weeks ago just below Winston Bartholamews house and two coppers were bashing the door in to let two social workers in.We dont get much of this in Rotherham an thats a dump.

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heyup skippy

you dont want to get lost on there these days your loved ones may never see you again QUOTE]


You've just made me think buller, instead of coming back for a look next year, I may buy a new boat & car instead & enjoy my life in the sun. :hihi:

This thread has made me think of some of the people I knew from the Shirecliffe in the 50's and what they got up to, unfortunately I can't put the memories on here, they may have finally got their act together.

I'll send you a PM.

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