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Anyone Come From Shirecliffe

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Lived in Longley but all my friends were from Shirecliffe....Herries lad here too. graduated in 86.

Lived ont Cross, is that any good? Graduated in 84.

Lived in Culver City left in 06.

How's SoCal at 11:15 am?

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It's a nice sunny day Bernette.....but it may sound crazy but I do get sick of not having the seasons


Oh tell me about it, baby!

One of the reasons I moved from Culver City to Tennessee was to see the seasons change, for goodness sake!

I went to SD once for a Smooth Jazz concert one Sunday. One of the clarinet players invited me, and it was great but SD is so HOT!

2 hours up the I5 and LA seemed a different world.....

Tennessee 's climate is beautiful, hot summers, frosty winters, but right now in Fall is my favorite time.:D

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LA is another world...don't venture there too much..or try not too.


Tennessee huh?...hmmm, I heard the south has some nice area's...but isn't it humid?


San Diego is a beautiful city to live but I am considering trying something new.....was thinkin about Arlington TX or Charleston SC.

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LA is another world...don't venture there too much..or try not too.


Tennessee huh?...hmmm, I heard the south has some nice area's...but isn't it humid?


San Diego is a beautiful city to live but I am considering trying something new.....was thinkin about Arlington TX or Charleston SC.


TN certainly is somewhat humid in summer, like all the South, but not as bad as FL! This is as far north as I would want to live for sure.

Nashville is quiet after LA, but the clubs and honky tonks are legendary. Music City USA ....I love it!:love::love::love:

My gf comes from Charleston, she'll have you move there given half a chance!

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Sinc ebeing here for 12 years I've become much more of a laid back kinda guy..so the rat race that is California is getting old. Need to find somewhere a little slower and quiet....38 going on 60 I guess lol.


So, what do you miss most about living in England?....for me, its the food, the Blades but most of all I miss the people..the sense of humour that seems to go right over the head of my friends here.

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