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Anyone Come From Shirecliffe

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Hey Tfishcake: did you get the 'private' e-mail that I sent you? And did you manage to view the pics I uploaded to Photobucket? Just wondered as I haven't heard from you since. Hope Josie's not still scratching her head wondering who I am!!! ;^)





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Malc Scott ..Shirecliffe School ...Musgrave Crescent, His dad Fred was a Postman & drank in the Timbers.

Malc was friends with Barry Walton(ginger hair) who lived on shirecliffe road and we would all play on the 7 ponds and oer tip.Not seen malc for years but saw barry the other day outside Tesco (aka eseldo cinema)


Malc Scott is my uncle.


He lived on Mugrave Cres (the Family home), my mum is his sister Susan, he also has 2 brothers, Derek who lives in Oz and Alan and a sister Beryl.


My grandad was Fred (who as you correctly say was a postman) and my gran Edith worked in the 'naughty boys home' - not sure where that was but i always got threatened with been sent there if i misbehaved as a child :)


Malc lives up Chapeltown now.

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Malc Scott is my uncle.


He lived on Mugrave Cres (the Family home), my mum is his sister Susan, he also has 2 brothers, Derek who lives in Oz and Alan and a sister Beryl.


My grandad was Fred (who as you correctly say was a postman) and my gran Edith worked in the 'naughty boys home' - not sure where that was but i always got threatened with been sent there if i misbehaved as a child :)


Malc lives up Chapeltown now.

The naughty boys home was the large house on the left. at the top of Cooks Wood Rd, end of Shirecliffe Rd.

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Hi stockers

I went to school with Derick Scott who lived in the crescent I remember him well,did'nt know he was in oz,I took the morning and evening newspapers round the cres in 1955 to 57 Ithink Derick had a mate at the top called Barry Twigg.


Derek moved to Oz before i was born (1977), i've been over there a few times to see him and the family all still keep in contact with him. I think he's been over there about 35yrs now, he moved over when it was £10 a flight.


He lives in Brisbane, nice house by close to the beach, no kids, just loves his fishing and his XXXX :) - you can take the lad out of Sheffield eh!!

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  • 10 months later...
To everyone who's replied to this thread & missed the post on 'General Discussion' page recently, Ellen Collier (ex-Shirecliffe School) has arranged a get together for pupils from the old school.

The meeting is at the Carbrook Hall pub, Attercliffe Road, on Saturday 21st Feb 2009.

A few of us have got together occasionally for about the last 18 months or so.

Those attending previously include Tony Ball, Colin Stagg, Dave Thomson, Kieth Corbet, Kieth Robinson, Albert Kershaw, Dereck Plant, Roger Starkes, John Hoing, Tony Damms, Maureen Jameson, Cathleen Chapman, Sue Dyson, Margaret Tew, even Clive Sanderson (the old english teacher). Appoligies to any one I've missed off the list.

If anyone recognises any of the above names & fancies a pint & a natter to put all the old myths to bed, come and have an hour with us.



I was at Shireciffe with some of the names on your list.

When will you be going to the Carbrook next?

Hope to see you all there soon.


Reg Parker

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi there Tony, i knew your friends, and i bet i know you .Are you Tony Cronshaw goalkeeper of the school football team?



yes mate....that was a long time ago about 1966....bringing a book out about my time growing up on the shirecliffe and the fun we had has kids....did you play in the school team....vic spencer was the manager...only had one year in the seniors before i shipped off to the birley estate....happy days...i take it with your sig that your a blade and the only blade i knew at school was called glen.....

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yes mate....that was a long time ago about 1966....bringing a book out about my time growing up on the shirecliffe and the fun we had has kids....did you play in the school team....vic spencer was the manager...only had one year in the seniors before i shipped off to the birley estate....happy days...i take it with your sig that your a blade and the only blade i knew at school was called glen.....


I don,t think you will remember me Tony as i was in the year below you,but for some reason i played for the year above as well as my year.The last time i saw you i was on a bus going to the match and you were giving me stick for being a blade,and you didn,t remember me then(i was still at school ),butyou had probaly been left Shirecliff a few years then.

Do you remember playing in a 7 a side competition and the team photo was in the Green un ?

See if you can guess who has that photo in front of him as he writes

I am just trying to grab it back while the rest of the family are all laughing hystericly.

I can name them bar one, and its killing me ,He,s small jet black hair i remember him being a good player and seem to think his name is Glyn or Glen but cannot for the life of me remember his name.



Any way iam going to scan it into the computer and see if i can figure out how to put it on the website, or email it to you ,it will crack you up mate,

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