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Anyone Come From Shirecliffe

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Hi Skippy, you'll be OK, just make sure you are with someone if you are going a long way. The barges are nothing fancy, but clean & central. Thru booking.com I managed to get a 4 berth for about 70 pounds a night. Plus, a lovely B&B at Rowsley (about 5 minutes drive from Chatsworth House & 30 min (approx) lovely drive to most places in Sheffield. Owned by Mr & Mrs Straw, they charge about 25 pounds per head including a great breakfast.

Great deals especially with the A$ so high, will get the details if you are interested. My motto is, if you are feeling OK & can afford it, do it mate. No regrets later on mate, and great memories. You could be dead tomorrow, or even worst, get rusty like bullerboy. Truly, Derbyshire is still a marvellous place, great scenery, bike riding, walking, pubs, eateries and lovely people.

Do it Skippy, nice to see bb too, eh?

Regards Millsie


---------- Post added 14-04-2013 at 22:50 ----------



Yes bullerboy, he was married to her for a few years before getting a divorce. Didn't know that she had died. Alan married again and lived at Bents Green for about the last 40 years with present wife.

Sad to see everyone passing on, as I said before, I appreciate getting back quite often recently and having the opportunity spending time with all the family & friends. Stay alive!

I used to go out with Ann when I was 14 and she lived on Aldfield Way,she died of cancer aged 65 on 29th of jan 2006.She had married a lad from my class at shirecliffe school who lived on the bottom part of Longley Ave West.
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Hi millsie,I wasn't sure whether it was Brien or Alan,I used to go out with Ann around 1956 unfortunatly she has now gone about 4 years ago.I knew Eileen Boot,Pat Fox has also gone she married Tony Marsh who lived down Raisen Hall Rd I remember Brian Gee and Roger Goodison,Mick Edison was in the same class as me.The teachers I remember were Mason,Constadine Talbot,Miss clareborough,Mrs Biram,the Headteachers were Miss Driver and Miss chapell,Yes you have the right school opposite the Forum.Ann used to be a stunner I was nuts packing her up.


Hi Bullerboy, just picked up this thread again after if has been dormant for a while & I must correct you on Pat Fox - my sister - she is definitely not 'gone' as you put it. (If we are talking of Pat Fox who lived at No3 Musgrave Drive)

She celebrated her 70th in February.


Been interesting reading your correspondence with Millsie, who I remember well being a relatively close neighbour. I was closer to Harry Mills age. I believe Harry moved to Spain some years ago.


Maybe Millsie can fill in a few names I can't remember who lived on the Drive.

No 1 was the Mullins, us Fox's at No 3. Gregory's at No 5, Lawton's at No 7. Can't remember No 9 or No 11. Mills's at 13, Taylor's at 15, Can't remember 17 or 19 ( may have been the White's at 19) Eddison's 21, Goddison's 22. Brown's at No 20, can't remember 18, Smith's at No 16, can't remember 14, 12, 10, or 8. Jean Guest at No 6, Lewis's at 4 & Hollbrooks at No 2.

Cheers Ronnie Fox

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Hi Bullerboy, just picked up this thread again after if has been dormant for a while & I must correct you on Pat Fox - my sister - she is definitely not 'gone' as you put it. (If we are talking of Pat Fox who lived at No3 Musgrave Drive)

She celebrated her 70th in February.


Been interesting reading your correspondence with Millsie, who I remember well being a relatively close neighbour. I was closer to Harry Mills age. I believe Harry moved to Spain some years ago.


Maybe Millsie can fill in a few names I can't remember who lived on the Drive.

No 1 was the Mullins, us Fox's at No 3. Gregory's at No 5, Lawton's at No 7. Can't remember No 9 or No 11. Mills's at 13, Taylor's at 15, Can't remember 17 or 19 ( may have been the White's at 19) Eddison's 21, Goddison's 22. Brown's at No 20, can't remember 18, Smith's at No 16, can't remember 14, 12, 10, or 8. Jean Guest at No 6, Lewis's at 4 & Hollbrooks at No 2.

Cheers Ronnie Fox

hi,sorry its not the same Pat Fox the one I knew came from Hillsbro.Mick Edisson was in my classes at school and I think Ton Holbrook was his cousin, mick lived in the bottom four block and Tony lived at the topleft hand corner.That was part of my morning paper round.
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Do it Skippy.


I just asked the wife what she would love to see if we went back, and then I showed her the places on google earth street view, what a way to save a few quid, and I didn't get wet or cold either, but I've got a sore eye now.

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Hi Bullerboy, just picked up this thread again after if has been dormant for a while & I must correct you on Pat Fox - my sister - she is definitely not 'gone' as you put it. (If we are talking of Pat Fox who lived at No3 Musgrave Drive)

She celebrated her 70th in February.


Been interesting reading your correspondence with Millsie, who I remember well being a relatively close neighbour. I was closer to Harry Mills age. I believe Harry moved to Spain some years ago.


Maybe Millsie can fill in a few names I can't remember who lived on the Drive.

No 1 was the Mullins, us Fox's at No 3. Gregory's at No 5, Lawton's at No 7. Can't remember No 9 or No 11. Mills's at 13, Taylor's at 15, Can't remember 17 or 19 ( may have been the White's at 19) Eddison's 21, Goddison's 22. Brown's at No 20, can't remember 18, Smith's at No 16, can't remember 14, 12, 10, or 8. Jean Guest at No 6, Lewis's at 4 & Hollbrooks at No 2.

Cheers Ronnie Fox

Hi Ronnie, good to hear that Pat is alive and well, give her my best wishes and let her know that we are all well in Oz. I last met up with Pat in the 90's, she was with Harry's wife Jackie. Tell her about Alan passing away please.

Harry is still in Spain & makes a couple of trips a year back to UK.

Let my old memory help you. In No. 9 lived a very old lady whose name I cannot remember but gave me threepence if I went to the shops for her, she never went passed the front gate from the 50's until she died. No 11 was the Bayliss's, No 17 was the Hurds, No. 19 was the Whitworth's 'til they moved. No. 10 was the midwife's house, No. 12 Allen's, No. 14 the Lyndsey's I think and No. 18 was Mrs Allen's sister with their daughter Pat.

I'm pretty sure that your sister was the one who clobbered me with a rounders bat when I was fielding too close playing rounders on the Drive!

Seeing the Drive again was really sad the last time I went there, I knew no-one any more, the place was a car park and run down so I decided not to go back there again as I didn't want to spoil my happy memories of my growing up there.

Well, take care Ronnie, hope I bump into you one day when I'm visiting,



---------- Post added 15-04-2013 at 22:39 ----------


Hi Skippy, did you see BB's umbrella? It's a pity that Google earth cannot go back in time, I could have caught the so & so reading my Eagle comic! Actually, you might be surprised with Sheffield, I love visiting the city and surrounds and doing things we couldn't afford to do when we were kids. I don't think that I could live there now, too Australianised, but well worth a visit. My grand-kids love going there. Get good deals at the Leopold where I went to school, likewise at Kenwood House, great area for walking around and close to the city. I don't worry about the money, it's only the kids inheritance! Millsie


---------- Post added 15-04-2013 at 22:50 ----------


Try this site Skippy.


And the sun will come out for you. Millsie

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Hi Millsie,think yourself lucky that you got your Eagle cos i was tempted to keep the one with the BSA Gold Star in the middle and tell Alec at Tugbies that they missed it out,but being an honest shercliffe lad who didnt want a beating you got it eheheh.

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Hi Millsie,think yourself lucky that you got your Eagle cos i was tempted to keep the one with the BSA Gold Star in the middle and tell Alec at Tugbies that they missed it out,but being an honest shercliffe lad who didnt want a beating you got it eheheh.


That same Alec was the one that sacked me! I wonder what that first Eagle is worth today? Must have been about 1952? And what a comic! Full glorious colour, I don't remember any comic or magazine with the same quality printing, or am I just nostalgically remembering something better than it really was?

Forget it, Ive just checked on Wickipedia. No.1 was April 1st 1950 and it cost threepence. It shows a front page copy of it.

Guess what, just bought a CD with 156 editions from 1950-1954, including the 1st edition, on Ebay for 4 pounds! Sorry, but I was only 7 years old then and used to wait at the letter box on the front door before going to school waiting, for it being delivered! And the bloody paper boy was outside reading it!!!!!!!!

Sorry, I've got to start getting out more, and meet people. Wife's only been gone 2 days.

Bye bullerboy, Millsie

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I am Lily Lockwood, I know many of these names on these pages, lived on Boynton Crescent, my brother is Tom lockwood, sister was Sheila.

I had a brother Albert who died at 11 years old.

some names I know , Middletons, Straws, Pearsons,Stewarts , Kershaws [ almost family to me]

Jud Mills, was a close friend to my brother,Rileys,ThompsonsHowarths , these lived on the crescent , except for Jud mills.

Any one remember buying home made toffee , and apples from a woman about two streets from me, they were the best,[ treacle toffee. I can see it but can not rember her name or street...


hi lillian i dont know if you willremember me my name is val i used to live on musgrave cres went to shirecliffe school think we could be the same age but before that your mum used look after me sometimesand i always remember the night we came and your brother was very ill i think that was one of the last time i saw you

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Anyone remember a bloke who's nickname was slygo and lived on Musgrave Drive ? he was a copper in 1970, I used to knock around with him, but I've forgotten his name.


His name was John Lee. He lived on Longley Ave West - opposite Musgrave Drive He lived next dooe to John Gee.

I believe he left the police force - how can I put this - after allegedly doing 'extra curricular activities' !!

Edited by Benella
removal due to annonimity
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