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Are They Watching Us?

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I once worked with a girl who got the sack for inappropriate use of email and internet at work. Can the various I.T. sections really see where we've been even if we delete history, files and cookies? I'm a bit worried about it because I sometimes nip on of a day when I'm bored.

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I once worked with a girl who got the sack for inappropriate use of email and internet at work. Can the various I.T. sections really see where we've been even if we delete history, files and cookies? I'm a bit worried about it because I sometimes nip on of a day when I'm bored.


I think a lot of people do the same.(not me though Im at home :P )

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I once worked with a girl who got the sack for inappropriate use of email and internet at work. Can the various I.T. sections really see where we've been even if we delete history, files and cookies? I'm a bit worried about it because I sometimes nip on of a day when I'm bored.


Of course they can, apparently nothing is ever completely deleted, thats why its so easy to catch people nowadays when they are doing, or looking at dodgy stuff on their PC

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Post logged at 14.43pm, 12/04/2007. Copy sent to line manager.


:hihi: :hihi:


Yes they can see what sites you visited even if you clear the browsing history from your machine. Where I work any image displayed via a site or sites visited are stored on a local machine that records all Internet history :suspect:


I so miss my old job :hihi:

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I work for a company where computer use is routinely logged and checked against time sheet codes. This has in the past led to dismissal of someone who was accessing private files stored on the PC while logged into a client code. If your PC is on a network, chances are your transactions will be recorded, and there is always the possibility that your employer might decide to examine the information.

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If they wanted to they can see everything you do on the internet at work. However if you are concerned they should have declared what they are monitoring to you when you started the job so I'd consult your personnel dept if you want further detail.

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Most large organisations will now pass all web traffic through a web firewall that is configured to allow access to sites based on content or a list of banned and allowed sites.


The software can also log the amount of time spent on sites.

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