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Are They Watching Us?

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Most large organisations will now pass all web traffic through a web firewall that is configured to allow access to sites based on content or a list of banned and allowed sites.


The software can also log the amount of time spent on sites.


Point of order, Mr. Chairman ...


Firewalls don't log the amount of time you spend on a site - they monitor when your browser requests a web-page but don't usually have a way of telling when you stop looking at that page.


IOW: Your employers can probably tell if you're not doing your work by monitoring how many pages you view in a given amount of time.


IOW: Pressing 'refresh' all the time in your browser will cause your user-account to jump to the top of that magical sacking list!

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I may be mistaken, but I think Jabber was caught at work by one of his bosses and got fired for using the internet.


Jabber, on the nightshift, had broken a fingernail as he scratched 5 car doors on Level 4 because they had overstayed the time on the ticket.


Rumour has it that he went on the Company's Mainframe Computer and ordered 2 x Nail Packs for delivery next day to the General Office on Level 1.


The parcel arrived next morning, in the hands of an armed policeman with full back-up from the Counter Terrorist Section of the Home Office. His boss was led away from his office in handcuffs.


Jabber, being computer-illiterate hadn't realised the website he'd got from Google was a "front" for a terrorist training camp in Afghanistan. :loopy:

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Firewalls don't log the amount of time you spend on a site - they monitor when your browser requests a web-page but don't usually have a way of telling when you stop looking at that page.



Some do, depending on the OS/FW combination in use:)

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Too right they can, and they can misinterpret what you write too. I once said that a particular guy needed sorting and that I could either do it myself or we could do it as a collective (meaning a grievance). The whole email was logged, and I was had for email abuse and some other ****e because my employers thought I was going to smash his face in. I argued that sorting out and sorting mean 2 different things, and if said in Sheffield it was different to how it was said in down South. Lost arguement! Just be careful what you send and who you send it to. Lesson learned

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Point of order, Mr. Chairman ...


Firewalls don't log the amount of time you spend on a site - they monitor when your browser requests a web-page but don't usually have a way of telling when you stop looking at that page.


IOW: Your employers can probably tell if you're not doing your work by monitoring how many pages you view in a given amount of time.


IOW: Pressing 'refresh' all the time in your browser will cause your user-account to jump to the top of that magical sacking list!


Sorry - some firewalls do.


It depends upon the firewall itsef, the quality of logging and also how the logs are processed. Whilst it can't tell whether you're actually eyeballing the page, you can actually see when you move on to a different page by suitable processing of the logs.


If someone sits with a browser window open in the background then in some cases that still might be of interest - depending upon the site.


This used to be part of my responsibility in one job I had, so I know that it can be done.

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It depends upon the firewall itsef, the quality of logging and also how the logs are processed. Whilst it can't tell whether you're actually eyeballing the page, you can actually see when you move on to a different page by suitable processing of the logs.


Ah, but all that shows you is when the user's requested a new page, not when they stopped looking at the old one. To know when they've stopped looking at the old one you'd have to monitor the active window in the OS (or the applications they have open) and link that to the activity in their browser - or is that what you meant?


While I'm sure this is possible it's been my experience so far that most companies simply monitor page-loads (either at the firewall or via the proxy) rather than the whole kit and caboodle.




Incidentally - f you load a page at 9 in the morning and leave your browser window open all day that doesn't mean you're looking at the net, even if the page is being refreshed even now and then. To be looking at the net you have to be actually looking at it, if you catch my drift.

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Too right they can, and they can misinterpret what you write too. I once said that a particular guy needed sorting and that I could either do it myself or we could do it as a collective (meaning a grievance). The whole email was logged, and I was had for email abuse and some other ****e because my employers thought I was going to smash his face in. I argued that sorting out and sorting mean 2 different things, and if said in Sheffield it was different to how it was said in down South. Lost arguement! Just be careful what you send and who you send it to. Lesson learned

It pays to be professional. I can see why people are "polite" in real life even if it meant just to avoid grievances. Though, if you don't have an understanding with someone already then... it does get blown out of proportions.


The last IT company I worked with, also started to log people's websites too. It definitely agitated a lot of people, but some people waste time in other ways, which are not checked. There's no right or wrong, but if someone has it in for you, it's only an excuse. Others remain themselves to themselves and go online or to chat with friends etc. Just to eleviate the pressures.


[Added] I read a lot on Employment Law after I worked with this company. It is true to say that, an employer can take action against an employee for not using work time to do their work. This is actually part of the law. Whether it is surfing the net, or whatever. Cos contractually, we are obligated to work for the company. Otherwise we shouldn't be taking the salary. As odd as it may sound, and I know it doesn't sound like we have that freedom of expression as humans, but...!

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Ah, but all that shows you is when the user's requested a new page, not when they stopped looking at the old one.


That's why I said 'You can't tell whether people are eyeballing the page'.


If you're moving on to a new page every few minutes then chances are you've finished with the old one.


I know you can't determine what applications are in use on a machine without having software loaded on teh machhine itself, but you would be surprised how many companie do have such logging software installed on the client machies as well.

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That's why I said 'You can't tell whether people are eyeballing the page'.


Ah right. I'll have to remember the maxim: "If in doubt actually /read/ other posters comments."


I know you can't determine what applications are in use on a machine without having software loaded on teh machhine itself, but you would be surprised how many companie do have such logging software installed on the client machies as well.


Darn right I would - I've worked in tech support for about 10 years and I've yet to work in a company that does!

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