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The end is near for The Yorkshire Grey Pub..

Andy C

Should the Yorkshire Grey be demolished?  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the Yorkshire Grey be demolished?

    • Pull it down
    • Don't pull it down

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All this money going on city centre re developments,

isn,t this the same council who still have half their council tennants living with no indoor toilets,(majority still in back porch.)

pokey unmodernised little kitchens. some with hardly any cupboards or work surfaces, etc.

While they're being hypocritical showing tourists their nice city

do you think they'd like to show them their council houses too,

i think not.

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Originally posted by dinp

Anyone see the report on Look North tonight about it? The council say they will use CPO as a last resort, presumably hoping that the owners will just sell up without a fight.


haha, I was on Look North for a nano second last night walking into the Yorkshire Grey at lunchtime, I noticed the film crew at the time.

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Please don't confuse private and grant investment with the local authority responsibilities.


99% of the new stuff you see being built is being done by private companies, most of which pay a large amount of money to the Council towards improvements in the local area. Things like the skate park in Devonshire Green and the improvements in Bingham Park are all paid for by that money.


The investment in housing is a separate thing, and even if the Council wanted to use the money from developments they couldn't. The Council has lots of different responsibilities that are all funded separately, and can't really be interchanged.


Housing and schools has nothing to do with the Peace Gardens and the Winder Gardens.

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At last Look North covering a story in Sheffield. Was totally surprised to see the plight of Yorkie Grey on Leeds loving Look North. Why do the council insist on pulling everything down for car parks. I think we should organise a petition and show the council what the people of Sheffield really think. So let's get it sorted and be heard, even if you don't like the pub please make a comment and stop the council from vanishing any character from our city centre.

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I've not been in the pub for years. Externally it has a character lacking in 95% of modern buildings. OK it's not listed at the moment but given another 30-50 years it would be seen as a rarity worth preserving.

It's sad that buildings of character cannot be retained in the midst of bland and characterless developments.

Will the Rutland be next?

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Originally posted by Dick Dastardly

Why do the council insist on pulling everything down for car parks.


I don't think they do - it's only one building. Anyway what will happen to John Lewis car park when the new developments are finished? Maybe this new car park is just replacing the old one.

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Originally posted by Andy

I don't think they do - it's only one building. Anyway what will happen to John Lewis car park when the new developments are finished? Maybe this new car park is just replacing the old one.



Aren't they plonking part of the retail quarter on that site. There are other areas in the city centre where they could build a car park without having to tear down the city's decent buildings. For example, there are many areas in the city centre that are just wasteland so they could develop them. I know it wouldn't be as central as the site of Yorkie Grey, but it wouldn't hurt people to get off their fat lazy asses and walk a few hundred yards. Besides, there are loads of ugly buildings from the sixties that could be sacrificed instead!!!!!

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