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Sparring - a bit of a rant

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Afternoon all,


I don't often post on here as it usually turns into a slanging match whenever someone mentions the words Sheffield and Kickboxing.


However there's something bothering me and i'm just gonna tell you all and ask your advice:help: . I've been Kickboxing on and off now for roughly 3 years at the same club (which I won't name) now here's my issue, when sparring what size gloves should people be wearing?? Simple question you may think but where I train there are tons of people sparring and no consistency as to the weight of their gloves. Now i`m not daft enough to think that theirs a simple answer I realise people of different weights are going to wear different weight gloves for sparring, I have no issue with this.


I am roughly 80kg and always spar in 180z gloves, because for me sparring is an essential part of training (not beating 5 bells out of each other like some seem to think). Now as i stated I got no issue's with people lighter than me using 14oz or 12oz gloves for sparring my issue lies with people heavier than me or at least the same weight sparring in 12\14oz gloves? I know there are loads of people in Sheffield who read this forum who are into their kickboxing and other martial arts so I wanna know what they think on the subject, i'll be interested to know what other people/clubs do?



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I think your totally right for wearing heavier gloves...I spar in 14/16oz but i fight at 64kg ...I think its also helps with speed by having heavier gloves during sparring....And if you don't want to give people brain problems when they are older...wear 14oz +

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I think your totally right for wearing heavier gloves...I spar in 14/16oz but i fight at 64kg ...I think its also helps with speed by having heavier gloves during sparring....And if you don't want to give people brain problems when they are older...wear 14oz +


Nonsense. Bare knuckle sparring is the way forward. Sure, you might get one or two minor nicks, but at least you're going to learn pretty quickly to throw a punch correclty. At the very most, bandages should suffice.


And headguards? Don't even get me started

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chinny your just an idiot, i agree with sunny about wearing heavier gloves, i never train in anything less than 16oz gloves wether its for sparring, bag work or pad work, i find that it gets you used to punching fast with heavier gloves on so that when you come to fight in 10's you are even faster again. ask any decent kickboxer/boxer/MMA fighter and they will tell you the same thing, there is a thread on the cagewarriors forum very similar to this aswell, will try and find the link, on there you have the likes of Dan Hardy, Michael Bisping, Gary Turner, etc giving advice

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Nonsense. Bare knuckle sparring is the way forward. Sure, you might get one or two minor nicks, but at least you're going to learn pretty quickly to throw a punch correclty. At the very most, bandages should suffice.


And headguards? Don't even get me started



:confused: your joking right?? 1 or 2 minor nick???you ever seen a guy get hit in the street with bare knuckles and get a minor nick??? I sure hav'nt :huh:


Normally you talk like your quite intelligent chinney so i don't say too much but surely you have taken a few too many knocks to your head...Wearing headguards during sparring is there to protect your head and long term health...If you wish to have a memory of a goldfish at the age of 40 then go ahead....but most of us kickboxers have other days jobs which require brain cells :hihi:

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:confused: your joking right?? 1 or 2 minor nick???you ever seen a guy get hit in the street with bare knuckles and get a minor nick??? I sure hav'nt :huh:


Normally you talk like your quite intelligent chinney so i don't say too much but surely you have taken a few too many knocks to your head...Wearing headguards during sparring is there to protect your head and long term health...If you wish to have a memory of a goldfish at the age of 40 then go ahead....but most of us kickboxers have other days jobs which require brain cells :hihi:




Next you'll be telling me to keep your guard up in sparring - that simply tires out the shoulders, and leaves you open to attack.

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