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Squirrel Racism

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I have to admit finding grey squirrels really cute and adorable even though I'm well aware of the problems they cause. I've never seen a red squirrel I think you only get them in Scotland now?


You get them in cumbria and northumberland too.

Also in the new forest and the forest of dean, I've just been informed by my dad.

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From Wiki :

Although the matter is controversial and complex, the main factor in the displacement of red squirrels by grey squirrels is thought to be competition for resources, leading to a decrease in fitness the red squirrels on all measures (e.g. Wauters, Gurnell, Martinoli & Tosi, 2002). Grey squirrels tend to be larger and stronger than red squirrels and have been shown to have a greater ability to put on fat before the winter. These factors are thought to result in grey squirrels competing effectively for a larger share of the available food, resulting in lower survival and breeding rates in red squirrels. Parapox virus may also be a strongly contributing factor. Red squirrels are fatally affected by this disease, while grey squirrels are unaffected but thought to be carriers. Red squirrels are also more affected by habitat destruction and fragmentation than the more adaptable grey squirrel, which has also contributed to a decrease in their numbers and a linked increase in the numbers of grey squirrels.


A history of the squirrel wars


Brussels answer: Ethnic cleansing for rodents! The European squirrel initative


The one question that hasn’t been answered: Why were the grey squirrels introduced in this country in the first place?

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The one question that hasn’t been answered: Why were the grey squirrels introduced in this country in the first place?

Some 'not-so-bright' Victorian naturalist probably thought it would be a good idea to introduce them for entertainment's value. A bit like whoever 'wisely' introduced hedgehogs onto Uist in the Hebrides.

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So we are discriminating against grey squirrels due to the effects of natural selection, brought on by human actions? Are we protecting the reds out of guilt?


I'll get me paint brush too, but lets take blue paint ans confuse the matter more:thumbsup:

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Painting them isn’t the solution! Although I wouldn’t mind having a go if someone would like to hold them :D


What we need is a proper plan.


1. Lobby the UN for a resolution telling the greys they must leave immediately.


2. Impose sanctions to cut off the greys nuts. (acorns etc.)


3. Round up all the red squirrels and issue them with quilted barbour jackets so they don’t have to store as much fat as the grey squirrels.


4. Send ‘em to the gym to get the little critters fighting fit, teach them unarmed combat, only release them back into the wild when they have reached Rokkyu (purple belt) standard.


5. Motivate them! Show them a report that the grey squirrels have WMD that can be deployed in 45 minutes.


6. Issue them with little space helmets to prevent virus infection, all dead greys to be burned at any government approved site that isn’t filled already with cattle.


7. Get the red squirrels to form a coalition with the badgers and owls, then get in, hit them hard, then try and think of an exit strategy later.


8. I really must stop drinking at lunchtime.

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