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Average intelligence? How do you rate?

Do 50% of people have below average intelligence?  

78 members have voted

  1. 1. Do 50% of people have below average intelligence?

    • No, it's not true and it's cruel to say that 50% are below average.
    • Yes, 50% are as thick as a loaf of bread.

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natural selection seems to have gone out of the window for the human race these days


we're collectively growing weaker, as the elements in society with less to contribute are spawning like the proverbial rabbits, while those whose genes and ways of being make them better candidates for parenthood often breed later and less


Natural selection, pays the most, to the feckless, by the majority. My future will depend upon the contents of the baby buggies being pushed around by Mother's in Clinton Cards, Poundland and Netto. God help me and all who sail in me.

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natural selection seems to have gone out of the window for the human race these days


we're collectively growing weaker, as the elements in society with less to contribute are spawning like the proverbial rabbits, while those whose genes and ways of being make them better candidates for parenthood often breed later and less


Weaker in what way?

Evolution only selects for intelligence if it's a trait which increases the ability to pass on genes.

Whilst we may dislike where nature would take us, that doesn't mean that evolution isn't working, it's just not following the path we might choose ourselves for the race.

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Either the human race is headed towards an evolutionary cul-de-sac or council type, dole scum vermin hold the key to the next leap in Darwinian progression. If claiming benefit, knocking up teenagers and getting imprisoned are the key indicators towards recognising the precocious jump in evolution then I guess that the hoi polloi are exhibiting all those traits necessary for them to be hailed as the new super race.


Personally I suspect that without anyone to pay for their dole, educate their rat children or operate on their hepatitis ridden peers then these hideous chuds will die out within a generation.

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i need say no more


No, but I'm sure you do actually know that fitness in evolutionary turns is measured by the ability to pass on genes.

If chavs pass on their genes more effectively, by having larger families, then unfortunately they are better adapted to this environment than non chavs.

Evolution only ever moves forward, at least by it's measure. It isn't interested in faster, stronger, better, smarter. It's only interest (I use the word loosely) is in more effective procreation.

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It isn't interested in faster, stronger, better, smarter. It's only interest (I use the word loosely) is in more effective procreation.
But it seems, only in human terms. Perhaps we've got a problem with the idiom? Perhaps we should be a little more animistic?


Carousel anyone? :huh:





*in response to your earlier challenges I'm playing devils advocate in this thread. :)

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