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Kiveton Park Colliery Heritage Week, June 2007

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Hi all,


We're holding a heritage week at the Old Colliery in Kiveton, arranged jointly by our community history project and the Forestry Commission.


It promises to be a great week, with all the local schools involved and lots of activities planned. The Old Colliery Offices (which you can see on the main page of the website) are being turned into a museum for a week, including the cellars which will be an air raid shelter and coalmine. We've also got 'pit ponies' coming down for rides, there will be a 1920s cinema, 1890s pit village school room, 1950s living room, historical reconstructions, drama displays, a silver band, a maypole and much more!


The immense amount of local interest means we have hundreds of photos, objects and dozens of volunteers. However, there are a few things which we're struggling to get hold of, which we would be very grateful if we could borrow from helpful SFers. I'll add to this list over the next few weeks, but at the moment I would be very grateful if anybody has any suggestions about:


5 x Old-style School Desks

2 x Policemen's Uniforms

1 x Medium or Large Khaki Uniform

2 x Old-Style Telephones


And where we might be able to get a replacement handle made and the gear mechanism on an air raid siren realligned!


Many thanks,


John (Tanner)


Kiveton Park and Wales Community History Project /

Department of History, Sheffield Hallam University


ps I've been a regular SFer for years, including on the history pages, but the mods have kindly given me permission to use this username for our project - cheers!


pps The new version of our website went on-line yesterday, we'd appreciate comments.

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