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New Retail Quarter in the City Centre


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To the poster who mentioned that St something was the 'current fashion' in place names: I'm presuming you mean St Paul's Place. I can't think of any others. That development is called St Paul's because the former Peace Gardens were officially called St Paul's Gardens, because that was the name of the church that used to stand there. The name is rooted back through generations of history of that patch of ground, and that is the approach I prefer. Likewise the Rawson Spring was called after the water source at that spot that served Hillsborough Barracks. I think it's nice to refer back in that way.


Sevenstones is fake, meaningless because it means seven stones, not a subliminal-reference-to-seven-hills-plus-the-idea-of-stone. It's mediocre marketing speak. I don't know enough about the history of the patch being developed to pluck an example alternative out of the air (too late anyway) but I'm sure there would have been something with a bit more soul.

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To the poster who mentioned that St something was the 'current fashion' in place names: I'm presuming you mean St Paul's Place.


For those with a genuine reason it's a good idea. I wasn't meaning Sheffield in particular, more countrywide. Hull is probably the worst for it as everything is St. something. Most of the time it just done to make a place seem a bit more "classy" for want of a better word. Rather than because of any History.

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As in seven stone weakling?


Alastair, that was my thought too.


And actually its quite a matter of civic pride - City Centre is up against the heavyweights like Manchester, L**ds, and our own Meadowhall, and the mediumweights (sorry don't follow boxing) like Nottm and now Derby's brand new centre. And who do we put up to fight Sheffield's corner?


Can you imagine the pleasure L**ds will get from this name?


How does a professional company, hundreds of focus groups, council officers and members all miss this connatation? Alastair and I can't be the only one's to spot it. Please lets get it changed quickly.

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I think if they closed John Lewis and didn't bother reopening/rebuilding it elsewhere that I wouldn't miss it. Debenhams is superior to John Lewis in every single way. Plus, it tends to cater a lot more for the younger generation as well as the older. You go in John Lewis and it seems empty. Debenhams is always buzzing.:) I hope none of these changes they're making affect the Devonshire Quarter, as I love shopping in all the small, unique, indervidual shops there.:love:

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rachel 100% totally disagree john lewis is vital for sheffield debenhams since it was taken over by american owners is rubbish and all towns are getting one john lewis is a bit of stature ie Leeds has not got one yet Manchesters is at the trafford centre Nottingham has but Birmingham doesnt etc

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