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New Retail Quarter in the City Centre


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If it's going to cover a quarter of the city, it's going to have to be pretty big.....


In fact, I'm sure we already have four quarters...so wont this be a retail fifth?

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Hammerson New Retail Quarter web page




Application to SCC by Hammerton




SCC's Documentation on NRQ




SCC's Webpage on NRQ








Council Meeting minutes - NRQ's Development Agreement and Lease - 26th Apr 2006




Council Meeting Minutes - NRQ's Compulsory Purchase Order - 13th Dec 2006


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I don't understand why Kingdom/Embrace is being refurbished. As I understand it, the council expects the New Retail Quarter to be finished in 2010 or 2011, so why set up a new nightclub that's only going to be there for four years?

It is puzzling - but maybe they'll get good compo and it can be offset against tax or something? Things work differently for the big people.

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What's going to happen to Leahs Yard?


Meeting minutes - Dec 2006




Appendix A (Word File 143KB)

This document contains Appendix A - Statment of Reasons, to the New Retail Quarter report (142 KB)



2.12 The following buildings within the Order Land are listed buildings:

• Leah’s Yard – 20-22 Cambridge Street (Grade II*) – vacant and on English Heritage's Buildings at Risk Register.

• Former Salvation Army Citadel, Cross Burgess Street (Grade II) – vacant and currently dominated by the adjacent John Lewis building and car park.

• Former Bethel Chapel Sunday school, 32 Cambridge Street (Grade II) – subject to various 20th century alterations, particularly when it was converted to its current use as a bar.



3.13.3 20-22 Cambridge Street (Leah's Yard). This Grade II* listed building is currently in an appalling state of disrepair both internally and externally. The Scheme provides for it to be extensively renovated in order to reinstate the original character of the building.


3.13.4 24 and 26 Cambridge Street. These properties adjoin Leah's Yard and are also in a poor state of repair. The Scheme provides for the external façades and roof to be repaired in order to improve their appearance and to improve the setting of the adjoining listed Leah's Yard. Internal works will also be carried out in order to provide an integrated use with Leah's Yard.


3.13.5 Former Salvation Army Citadel, Cross Burgess Street. The Grade II listed former Salvation Army Citadel will form a gateway from the east into the Scheme. Minor alterations are necessary to the listed building to prevent damage during the construction of the Scheme and provide alternative servicing facilities from the side or rear.




Other special considerations

9.6 Within the Order Land, there are three listed buildings:

• Grade II*, Leah's Yard, 20-22 Cambridge Street;

• Grade II, the Former Bethel Chapel Sunday School, 32 Cambridge Street; and

• Grade IV, the former Salvation Army Citadel, Cross Burgess Street.

9.7 Leah's Yard will be improved as part of the Scheme and the Former Bethel Chapel Sunday School will be demolished. The former Salvation Army Citadel will be retained and its setting will be significantly improved. Listed Building Consent has been granted for the demolition.

9.8 The Order Land to the east of Carver Street, north of Wellington Street and east of the southern part of Cambridge Street, is located within the City Centre Conservation Area. The Council has given careful consideration to the impact of the Scheme on the Conservation Area and concluded that the Scheme will enhance its character and appearance. Conservation Area Consent has been granted for those parts of the Scheme located in the Conservation Area.

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