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Tormenting Mr Kerpanic

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Does anyone remember mr kerpanic's pidgeon loft in the farmers fields at the bottom of lowedges park ? Did you use to go near it only to get chased for miles by a very angry polishman? He once chased four of us all the way to the greenkeepers huts on dore and totley golf course,, never caught us though !!!! Perhaps his daughters pauline or bev are out there somewhere in sheffield land... those were the days,,, remember damming this park stream at the top end of the park and making our own deep pond or making dens out of the farmers haystacks, fires in the golfers shelter just outside the topend of the park at night, gardenhopping, or sliding down the black shale slope on tea trays near the railway tunnel, or what about apple wanging at the posh golfers on dore and totley golf club what apastime that was, nick a garden cane from someones garden push a big crab apple on the end and away she goes !!!!, Kids nowadays dont have half as much fun as we used to.......Come on Lowedges/gresley crew let yourselves be known :hihi:


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A fox or somthing got in the loft and killed all the birds.

Oh and I remember one summer taking a girlfriend on the railway enbankment :love: , and getting interupted by Eric going past taking the kids for a walk.

As for the park do you remember Greeny the parkie? What a miserable old git he was.

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Greenie the parkie !!!! I was his arch nemesis... i was the one who made the den in the shelter where the swings used to be in the roof space. i reckon that there were a lot of bags of cherries lost at the railway lline embankments either there or in the woods at the top end of the park on the golf course...:hihi:

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  • 4 months later...

Hi Nabs,

What years are you talking about as I was one of the crowd that hung around the park at night with the gresley lowedges crew. We once bought firelighters on halloween and made a swastika on the roof of the park shed and lit the whole of the playground up then ran out of the gates and watched to see what Greenie would do. Don't know if you're from the same era.

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  • 4 months later...
Does anyone remember mr kerpanic's pidgeon loft in the farmers fields at the bottom of lowedges park ? Did you use to go near it only to get chased for miles by a very angry polishman? He once chased four of us all the way to the greenkeepers huts on dore and totley golf course,, never caught us though !!!! Perhaps his daughters pauline or bev are out there somewhere in sheffield land... those were the days,,, remember damming this park stream at the top end of the park and making our own deep pond or making dens out of the farmers haystacks, fires in the golfers shelter just outside the topend of the park at night, gardenhopping, or sliding down the black shale slope on tea trays near the railway tunnel, or what about apple wanging at the posh golfers on dore and totley golf club what apastime that was, nick a garden cane from someones garden push a big crab apple on the end and away she goes !!!!, Kids nowadays dont have half as much fun as we used to.......Come on Lowedges/gresley crew let yourselves be known :hihi:



That sounds Exactly what i used to do when i Lived on Lowedges when i was Younger i always used to go sledging in the winter on the Golf Course aswell it was great fun.:hihi:

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hello this is bev booth (kurpanik) are you kingy off gresley with the wellies? unfortunately lost my dad 19 years ago but it is nice to know that people still have memories of him. and at least he kept you all fit with all that running he made you do :hihi:

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hello this is bev booth (kurpanik) are you kingy off gresley with the wellies? unfortunately lost my dad 19 years ago but it is nice to know that people still have memories of him. and at least he kept you all fit with all that running he made you do :hihi:


hi bev glad you joined forum keep checking i bet someone will .mary:D

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