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Ideas for new bar!


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to be fair this is sheffield, heres what the people want.


dirt cheap drinks served by fit bar staff.


unless, you and partner have enough money to be in it for the long haul. what sheffield could really use is a bar with an incredibly eclectic music policy serving quality drinks in a safe atmosphere.


this means that at first you'll have to make a loss because you have to keep the less desirable elements out but if you stick with it eventually you will clean up

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I would like to see a bar that...


Decent beer range - usual lagers plus some geniune continental ones, along with real ales from local breweries.


Premium quality spirit options, along with a nice cocktail range too.


Fast and friendly service


Daytime atmosphere relaxed with comfy chairs and good food available


Evening atmosphere would see entertainment in the form of either live bands or a DJ playing good music (nothing too trendy or too cheesy).


Reasonable prices.


That'd do me..!

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Oh and just to add I would like to see a suitable clientele in there too. No roughnecks and no up-their-own-arse types either. Just a good, friendly crowd enjoying themselves.


I must agree with Andy, I like going to a nice bar for a drink but not with the 17 year olds out in their underwear with boyfriends wanting a fight to finish the night off! Town's become a live version of the Jeremy Kyle show in places and I'm sick of it.

It'd be nice to have somewhere for over 25's, classy bar, nice lighting, serving food and a range of cocktails. Maybe live music at the weekends too. But it prob needs strict doorstaff to prevent it becoming a chavvy footballers wife kind of bar like most of the others in town!

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A proper bar for indie & rock lovers. You dont need to know what day of the week it is you know the music will be quality indie & rock. When you've not got a DJ on have a good jukebox that offers value for money and lets you know how many tracks are to come before yours comes on. An outdoor area which is actually comfortable and can be used into the wee small hours.. Decor featuring posters of the great bands and solo artists along with classic film posters. A small dancefloor perhaps.


Dont offer cocktails unless you're going to recruit loads of bar staff...I hate the queues they generate.


The kind of place where you could end up talking to randoms for hourson end...that'd be good. What I wouldnt want is a Bungalows & Bears with all its special events, that doesnt do anything for me.

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Where's Firecracker when you need him? Here's your chance to give your opinions to change the future of Sheffield ! :hihi:


There's nowhere I know of in Sheffield that's genuinely classy and cool, there's plenty places (I'm thinking Crystal and Ruby Lounge) which are smart venues, where the hollyoaks/men in shirts crowd go and listen to "funky house" - but nowhere that has a hint of class to make it stand out. There's exclusivity, but only in the way that you can't get in wearing trainers!


Starting to rant now! I'm thinking of a place that's as smart as Crystal, with the music and atmosphere of say Dulos on a weekend. Really laid back without being scruffy, maybe with live music on now and again.


Then again I'm knocking on a bit, I'm definately bordering on the "mature punter" in that I'm not 20! I'm just getting a bit fed up of going out and it being like Hollyoaks!

Btw, have you ever been to Damons? Their bar area sounds exactly as you described.


I've been to Ruby Lounge and not Crystal. Ruby Lounge is an odd place, but I think the owners are trying everything to get the business going, I suppose. It used to be really quiet, but now it's a little bit more busier.


From what everyone is describing, it sounds like the likes of All Bar One. Which I've always thought to have attracted the older clientele. It has maintained that kind of image, and being in the more commercial area of the city centre. It has definitely got that vibe.


I think location is important depending on what type of clientele you want to attract. If you maintain reasonable prices, and not go down the route of jugs of cocktails, then maybe you will attract the type of clientele who will pay for individual drinks which lasts all night. If you want people to go where they will appreciate the music, then you gotta find some seriously decent musician who will provide that, and to attract people to pay for entrances or marked up prices in drinks or something.


Trippets Wine Bar is a bit like that. Just not in a very upmarket style, but I think people go and appreciates the music.

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So we want to know what people think Sheffields bars are lacking!!

Individuality and uniqueness.


What is missing from your nights out??

Great music.


What do you want from a bar??

If it's a proper bar, then proper cocktails ?


What can make our bar (in your eyes) totally different from the rest??

Unique music which true music lover will recognise and will pay the price to listen to. However... it wouldn't be often. So maybe certain nights and venues may enable you to do this better.


Where are the others going wrong??

Too many people, too crowded at the bar sometimes.


Give us your feed back........

I wouldn't mind a Jazz bar.


You will make a bar different from the rest, if you seriously employ a bartender who can indeed throw the bottles and create cocktails! However, doing this may mean upping the prices, so therefore there's only a certain type of style of bars you can create. Maybe reducing the size of the premises or something. Cheap drinks and pubs are over-saturated in Sheffield. So you gotta create something new to the market, which does not currently exist, and be pioneers.

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