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School Children's Finger Prints Taken Without Consent!

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what are you so worried about them finding out from a fingerprint? I dont understand all this paranoia regarding things like this, unless youve got something to hide whats the problem surely this is can only be a good thing, unless your child is a serial library book stealer or something

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what are you so worried about them finding out from a fingerprint? I dont understand all this paranoia regarding things like this, unless youve got something to hide whats the problem surely this is can only be a good thing, unless your child is a serial library book stealer or something


If you take that to its conclusion then you won't mind if I pop round to your place and put a camera in each one of your rooms? Obviously you've nothing to hide so it shouldn't be a problem? PM me your address...

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Liberal Democrat shadow home secretary and Sheffield MP Nick Clegg said in a statement that it was a "sinister" plan.


"It is a measure of ministerial arrogance that plans are being laid to fingerprint children as young as 11 without having a public debate first," he said.


He suggested it would be a waste of public money.

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I aggree people should all be fingerprinted and dna sampled at birth that way if you do break the law the person can be caught and punished. If it helped to catch a killer or rapist of a loved one you would be delighted.


Untill you have experienced the anguish of such a thing you cant comprehend how this could benefit everyday law abiding people. Some people just have to moan about being controlled but would you also like to ban the sex offenders list too.


As much as it is about keeping your identity and details on file it would also be a good deterrent for people thinking they will not get caught.


There are already theory's that doctors and hospitals have been taking dna samples for years now and its likely that your dna is taken at birth and stored in national security files.


Im gonna pack and assume another identity now before the men in black arrive LOL

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