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I want to get my nails done in silk this week in sheffield.


But only wanna pay £20 for a full set, my nails are really short but i dont want the false 1's to be long anyway can anyone fit me in this week after



Every shop i ring is dearer than £20 quid




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In my profession it would be a bad idea to get falsies done but my mum always has her silks done at Dazzle on Upperthorpe (S6 but at the S10 end). Joanne is fantastic and always very meticulous. Doesn't cost a fortune either.

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hi i have also been to a lot of places and te place i now go to regular ( once a month) is serenity Nail Bar on Division street they only do acrylic and they lastfor about a month depending on how quick your own nails grow the cost is £30 but it is well worth it they will do a free nail design or paint on them included in the price and also will take them off and reapply a new set for the same price as well which i find extremely good. They only take 30minutes max to apply as well so if you pushed for time then these are the guys xx

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Right ive had a consultation at both SKN and Transform.


I went to transform and it was kind of a wasted journey. I'd asked on several phonecalls after reading up if being mixed race was an issue and they said it wasnt on the phone but when i got there the lady said i was probably too dark which I was suprised about as I suspect us dark haired folk would find this most beneficial. On top of that as im on immunosuppressants i was told that they could try the patch test but only with my doctors consent as I may burn or blister - which can happen to anyone. So...despite the great offer on, it scared me off that i might get scorched and i might get pigmentation. This did look and sound great if you met the criteria and they would go ahead on my doctors consent but i didnt fancy the sound of it.


Went to SKN tonight who use a different kind of laser (they have 2 kinds i think) which can cover all skin tones and because of the way it works, my medication wouldnt be a problem according to the lead consultant. It's more expensive and I didnt have the path test (yet) as i thought I was going to get the same answer but they were really helpful and honest about potential results. They expect a minimum 60% less growth after a course of 6 treatments and apparently it does hurt but no more than waxing.


I need to save up if I want this option at SKN but i'd say its worth the free consultations at both places to help you decide.

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