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Darkoak, Sportsman & Peacock ring a bell, your mother would probably remember my aunty & uncle, Joe & Alice Skelton, they lived in a red brick semi detached house on Uppergate Rd, second house down from Reynolds Lane before passing away.

They also owned a shop at Knowle Top, Stannington in the late 30's early 40's called Skeltons, one of there son's [Granville] got killed at the monument around late 30's / early 40's when he was hit by the only lorry in Stannington, how lucky was that, the other son [Donald] never married and lived in the same home until his death some probably 7 years ago.

Here is a photo of the shop & also the house where my grandparents lived in 1900 & where my mother & aunty were born, as you can see it's still there, Middle Cottage, Riggs High Road, Stannington, my great grandparents came from that area also.



There are also some pictures on Sheffield Pictures in the Stannington section.

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Darkoak, Sportsman & Peacock ring a bell, your mother would probably remember my aunty & uncle, Joe & Alice Skelton, they lived in a red brick semi detached house on Uppergate Rd, second house down from Reynolds Lane before passing away.

They also owned a shop at Knowle Top, Stannington in the late 30's early 40's called Skeltons, one of there son's [Granville] got killed at the monument around late 30's / early 40's when he was hit by the only lorry in Stannington, how lucky was that, the other son [Donald] never married and lived in the same home until his death some probably 7 years ago.

Here is a photo of the shop & also the house where my grandparents lived in 1900 & where my mother & aunty were born, as you can see it's still there, Middle Cottage, Riggs High Road, Stannington, my great grandparents came from that area also.



There are also some pictures on Sheffield Pictures in the Stannington section.


Skippy, I'm pretty sure that Skelton's Fruit shop was taken over by a couple called Elsie & George, who still had the premises into the mid/late 60's. The road where the shop used to stand was widened slightly around this time to allow for the increase in traffic, with the building in your photo being knocked down to accomodate this. The land where your auntie & uncle had their shop is now largely on the border between the bottom end of The Peacock Car Park, the top side of gardens belonging to Manor House Old Folks Home and the pavement. The owners moved to where the village fruit shop is now (a couple of hundred yards down the road on the same side). The shop was known as 'Elsie's' for quite some years after that time.


Was 'Middle Cottage' at the very top of Reynard Lane, where it meets High Riggs Road? It looks very similar to a building which still stands there. As for the cost (£105,000) - is this a recent photo?!


When I'm on a more sociable shift, I'll speak to my Mum to see if she remembers your relatives you have mentioned.

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Was 'Middle Cottage' at the very top of Reynard Lane, where it meets High Riggs Road? It looks very similar to a building which still stands there. As for the cost (£105,000) - is this a recent photo?!


Darkoak, that picture of Middle Cottage was sent to me in the early 90's by my mother,who has since passed away, the cottages are not on the corner, they are further up High Riggs Road & on the left hand side, seem to remember that they were built in the early 1800's to accomodate the workers on the farm.

Walking up Uppergate Road, there were a few stone houses after the Hare & Hounds, then allotments until you reached 147 which was my aunties house, on the opposite side were houses, the Crown & Glove & then cottages right up and they finished opposite Reynolds or Reynard lane, there was Maude's shop in the row of cottages & the gateway to the farm was just about opposite my aunties house.

After Rey--- lane there were just a couple of farms, the cottage was on one of them but I can't remember how far, probably 3 or 4 hundred yards further up from the corner, I may try and find it on Flash earth.

It was a different place when I visited in 1990.

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Whats a coloured suite ?


There's some lovely cottages top of Stannington road, opposite side of the Peacock, but further down.


Are you thinking of the row of cottages locally known as 'Staring Row'? - on the left side of the road just before the Peacock ?

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