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I write poetry!

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Yes bassplayer, please post me one of yours, would love to read them.

I also have a book that I write all my poems in, I have added a few that I personally like that are by others. You must read this one, I've never cried so much: http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=135789&highlight=poem

This one is called Nice to See You Again.

I had not seen this person for about 2 years even though we always kept in touch by txt. When I saw her......well just read on.



You are in my head

And the reason is just as said

The thought sinks me like lead

As I lay my head upon my bed

A pleasant memory of the day just past

Hoping for communication from you that,

Our last encounter will not be the last

Of your lasting smile

It is lasting a while, and yes

I would walk a long mile

If there could be another like you

Competition would turn men fools

And there would be nothing they would not do!


You are behind my eyes

Should this come as a surprise?

Instinct tells me to employ caution, be wise.

A vision of you remains, as you come through the crowd

Suffused with confidence, your body swaying and proud

Eyes meet, arms open

We connect

I’m stunned

Temporarily numbed

We hold each other caress to embrace

To feel; this feeling is momentarily unreal

We’re face to face

A familiar place; is this where we were?

It’s a haze, a blur

Fingers in greeting interlock and you tilt your head,

Mouth open, your wet pink tongue!

Is this where I belong?

It all fades to red........

You are still in my head.

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This is very good bassplayer.:)


Having read 100's of your posts and enjoying them all, this is high praise..thank you very much. I normally read at some functions that I go to with the church ; writing them on the themes, but I have begun to wonder what other people think of them rather than being in a safe setting with people I know.

Once again thanks..

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Thought provoking poem bassplayer.

Would love to see more!

Here is another of mine that I haven't been able to put on my website yet;



The doctor I saw was too young I'm sure

The new pop song I heard, I've heard it before

I tell my sons they should wear a vest

In the afternoon I need an hours rest

My daughters teacher looks like she should be taught

An argument is no longer to be fought

Modern technology leaves me tired and worn

Yet children with microchips are born

My tipple is no longer alcopops

I no longer enjoy traipsing round the shops

My comforts important than how I look

Rather to bed with a good book

Now I feel I'm turning into my mum

Thats how I know old age has begun.

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I have written over 50 poems to my late partner.

Although she died tragically from cancer some years ago, I still compose poetry for her even though I know she will never read it.

I think that some of my verses may be appreciated by members of the Writers' Group. I have applied to join but not heard anything further yet.


Here is a sample...


Where have you gone? July 2006


The summer days we shared were always warm and bright.

They beckon; faded dreams, like shadows haunting me.

But you are gone away and vanished from my sight,

I stand alone where once we walked in loving harmony.

Where have you gone, my love?


The years passed by, the times we loved together

The many hopes we shared; the days we spent as one,

The happiness we had, we always thought would last forever,

Those days have slipped away;; now evermore, they’re gone

Where have you gone, my love?


Try as I may, I can’t forget the deepest love I had for you.

Those precious golden years; the years that meant so very much.

The things that we enjoyed; those things bring memories anew

I’ll never feel again your warm caress, your gentle touch.

Where have you gone, my love?


I look into the sky and wish in vain to see your face,

I gaze into the mist but you’re no longer there.

I search my heart but only find a void, an empty space,

I wait in constant hope; I want to see you everywhere.

Where have you gone, my love?

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I too heeley tyke put my thoughts into verse!

It is a way of letting our feelings out without actually speaking to anyone.

I am quite a private person & find it difficult showing my emotions to people but this is my way of releasing my emotions, you sound the same heeley.

Great poem, if the others are as good as this then you definately have a talent!

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I think that some of my verses may be appreciated by members of the Writers' Group. I have applied to join but not heard anything further yet.


Sorry for the delay in getting your password to you, Heeley tyke. JoeP will PM it to you tonight, or at latest tomorrow. If you have any problems in uploading further items, please contact Mantaspook or myself directly. We will be pleased to assist you.


Your poem is lovely! :thumbsup:

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I imagine that you get the same sort of release that I do. It's a way of shedding tears without displaying emotion. It also helps me to come to terms with my loss.

Your emotion is really captured, I enjoyed reading this.

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