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Bents Green ghost stories?


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It was originally an inn with a farm attached. There's a date on part of the building of 1774. It was built by Lord John Murray and called 'The Rising Sun'. The farmer landlord was well known as an industrious man, but then he went downhill, neglecting the farm and inn, and his health deteriorated. On his deathbed he confessed to having murdered a drunken carter at the gate by knocking him unconscious and letting the cart run him over to look like an accident. It's recorded in a story called "The house on the moors".It's in a book called 'the Manor & Parish of Ecclesall" by Paulus, and it's in the library.

There are other stories of a Justice riding home late from Eckington Sessions seeing a phantom carriage drive out through the gates. He followed it and it disappeared. Another time another man, a surgeon, reported seeing an old-fashioned 'chariot' emerge in the same way.

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I remember being told a version of the story by a teacher when I was at junior school. She said that a man had been run over by his own horse and carriage and that the horse could still be heard clip-clopping around the area.


Shortly afterwards I picked up a rusty old horseshoe in the area and became convinced that it belonged to the ghostly horse and that it would come and get me!

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Does anyone know the history of Bents Green School? I think it used to be a house before it was a school and its supposedly haunted. Anyone know any ghost stories??


I've never heard anything about this.. although it certainly wouldn't surprise me, it certainly seems like the kind of place that could be haunted if you beleive that kind of thing!

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  • 2 months later...
Does anyone know the history of Bents Green School? I think it used to be a house before it was a school and its supposedly haunted. Anyone know any ghost stories??


i was at bentsgreen school and lived there for a number of years yes it was haunted by a lady in white and a small boy aparently it was were they hung people but i can not be to sure if it was just storys the house mothers made up to keep us in our dormatorys

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