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Washing Hands

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Originally posted by RPG

do you eat bar peanuts dabouncer? :lol:


there is (on average) about 20 different traces of mens urine on every peanut :o

I dont actually... thankfully!


I heard summat similar about london's underground hand rails!


I also heard that with the amount of germs on New Yorks subway hand rails... it could one day possibly lead to an outbreak of plague!

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Originally posted by RPG

do you eat bar peanuts dabouncer? :lol:


there is (on average) about 20 different traces of mens urine on every peanut :o


Thank god I buy the packets.. ;)

Interesting fact, but it really does make you think about hygeine. With basic rules being ignored, is it any wonder viral outbreaks such as Foot and Mouth and SARS have occured?

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Originally posted by Mo Do you wash your hands when you have been to the loo?

Depends whether my finger went through the paper... ;)


On a more serious note there may be a problem with excessive hygiene causing allergies. http://www.bbc.co.uk/northernireland/consumer/children_hygene.shtml


We build up resistance to infections by being exposed to them at low levels while in good health. That doesn't mean hygiene doesn't matter but it does suggest we shouldn't be obsessive about it. If I go on holiday to India and take great care about what I eat and drink, I'll probably get sick anyway. Someone born and brought up there have no ill effects from eating things I'd never dream of touching. They have built up better tolerance.


Up to about age 10 I got one bath a week unless I'd managed to get particularly mucky. after that I was promoted to twice a week - and that was fairly normal, no central heating and endless supplies of hot water. The expectation now is that kids get a bath every day.


On the other hand we were taught to close the toilet seat lid before flushing to reduce the risk of inhaling droplets. Are kids taught that now or are they all inhaling a healthy dose of loo contents? - OK we have a diphtheria vaccination and anyway it responds to simple antibiotics but still there are other pathogens in there.


When I were a lad we lived in a cardboard box in middle of t' road... ...A cardboard box? Luxury!

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Originally posted by Mo

Now I need you to be perfectly honest on this one

Do you wash your hands when you have been to the loo? Personal I know but when trying to teach children to always wash theirs my efforts are regularly frustrated when ladies leave the loos without washing. I reckon that at least 50% of lady users don't :o :o :o


Tried to set up a poll but couldn't get 3 options



Yeh I wash mine all the time....whn I'm in a public place though it makes me wonder when I touch the handle of a door to open it after washing my hands....what germs am I picking up from the door handle from those who didn't? especially in pubs.

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Originally posted by robh

Depends whether my finger went through the paper... ;)


On a more serious note there may be a problem with excessive hygiene causing allergies. http://www.bbc.co.uk/northernireland/consumer/children_hygene.shtml


We build up resistance to infections by being exposed to them at low levels while in good health. That doesn't mean hygiene doesn't matter but it does suggest we shouldn't be obsessive about it. If I go on holiday to India and take great care about what I eat and drink, I'll probably get sick anyway. Someone born and brought up there have no ill effects from eating things I'd never dream of touching. They have built up better tolerance.


Up to about age 10 I got one bath a week unless I'd managed to get particularly mucky. after that I was promoted to twice a week - and that was fairly normal, no central heating and endless supplies of hot water. The expectation now is that kids get a bath every day.


On the other hand we were taught to close the toilet seat lid before flushing to reduce the risk of inhaling droplets. Are kids taught that now or are they all inhaling a healthy dose of loo contents? - OK we have a diphtheria vaccination and anyway it responds to simple antibiotics but still there are other pathogens in there.





I agree with you entirely about allowing children to get mucky as we did when we played thereby allowing their immune system to develop but I draw the line at toilet hygeine.


Our immunity is also being reduced by use of antibacterial washing up liquids, surface wipes etc.


As you mentioned vaccinations, some people believe that if we allowed our children to catch childhood diseases their immune system would be much stronger. Natural immunity from having had an illness is lifelong whereas innocuations produce short term immunity.

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I wash, so does my son. The nursery that he goes to have him obsessed now!!!


I was talking to a friend the other day and apparently you have to give you hands a really good wash to get ALL the germs off. Even after what we think is a good wash there are still large amounts of germs and in many places there is a special wash that stains your hands. The only way to get it and all the germs off is to wash thoroughly.


Perhaps they should put that in a few toilets? Mind you, then most would probably stop washing altogether,


Moon maiden

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Washing your hands after using the loo is good practice, but trying to disinfect yourself is




If your're out in the woods and need to take a leak, where do you wash your hands?


You are out in the tropics and you cut yourself with your machete:


With no first aid kit, your best strategy to clean the wound is to pee on it, since urine is sterile and germ free, as well as mildly antiseptic.


faeces smell bad for a reason - they are shot through with bacteria that, whilst quite at home in the lower intestine, can cause illness if ingested (coliform bacteria). So most higher mammals have some taboo over faeces, and will sling it at their enemies.

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