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Misreading thread titles.

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Have you been on the vodka? :hihi:


This misreading is catching! I had to re-read this post, as I thought you were enquiring about a foreign boat trip......"Have you been on the volga"? :rolleyes::hihi:


I'm tired, and have now realised that I must catch up on some sleep!

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Not a thread title, but there was a headline on the BBC news site recently: "fresh tornados pound central US" - which I kept seeing as "fresh tomatoes..." :rolleyes:


And I'm glad I have plenty of company seeing this thread as "misleading thread titles" as well :)

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  • 3 months later...

Oops - time to revive this thread!


Just managed to read JoeP's thread about new mods as "Please Read - New Mods - They may be legless but they're legit!"


I wonder if this comes from some deep, sub-conscious views I hold on the behaviour of Mods? :hihi:

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I started a new thread some few days ago entitled "Shakespeare...the Cartoon Version!!!"


Ok, my use of 3 exclamation marks was simply for extra emphasis. :)


Shortly afterwards, I got an SFBot PM telling me the thread title had been changed. :o


I thought maybe I'd spelled Shakespeare without the "e" on the end. :o


No I hadn't. My next task was to see if I'd left the second "o" out of "Cartoon". :o


No I hadn't!


The title had been amended by removing the second and third exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :headbang::D


!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I post these as spares. You can borrow them if you run short on your posts) :hihi:

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