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Misreading thread titles.

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Does anybody else do it or is it just me?


I was just about to ask somebody why they wanted some greenhouse gas!!


This isn't the first time it's happened, has anybody else done it and whats the funniest one you have ever misread?


Yes I get this as well. I wonder if the colour and font have something to do with it or just plain laziness on my part?

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I started a new thread some few days ago entitled "Shakespeare...the Cartoon Version!!!"


Ok, my use of 3 exclamation marks was simply for extra emphasis. :)


Shortly afterwards, I got an SFBot PM telling me the thread title had been changed. :o


I thought maybe I'd spelled Shakespeare without the "e" on the end. :o


No I hadn't. My next task was to see if I'd left the second "o" out of "Cartoon". :o


No I hadn't!


The title had been amended by removing the second and third exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :headbang::D


!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I post these as spares. You can borrow them if you run short on your posts) :hihi:


You've obviously fallen foul of the AAEEM (Association for the Abolition of Excessive Exclamation Marks) !!!!!!!!!!!!


I wonder what will happen if you transgress a second time?????????

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You've obviously fallen foul of the AAEEM (Association for the Abolition of Excessive Exclamation Marks) !!!!!!!!!!!!


I wonder what will happen if you transgress a second time?????????


Beware..."the SFBot" will start on question marks next!!!!!!!!! :hihi:

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I misread titles.. but I'm usually at workand not allowed on the web.. So I have to keep my fingers over alt & Tab just incase anyone walks by... which happens a lot.. there that's my poor excuse out the way! :)


Well, I'll go the foot of our stairs! I never realised alt and tab did that. When at work, I just used to keep my hand on the mouse and the cursor poised over the "minimise" button - very easy and quick to get back to a "work" screen :hihi:

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I just read the thread title "irony - what's your view *sigh*". For those who like (st)arch comments, I suppose.


When i was a child I saw the word molesters and thought it was mole-sters. I thought the writer was getting a bit hysterical, I mean, it's only a lawn...


Likewise, I used to see an advertisement on a bus for therapists, and unfortunately split it into two words...

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My favourite recent one (in Parenting) was what I read as 'Panting at Grandparents - is this normal?'.


Turned out to be 'ranting'. I was quite disappointed, lol. I'd been saving it up to read last, wondering what it could possibly be about.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I call these things "fromatob moments", after the time I spent several minutes trying to figure out what "fromatob" meant when I saw it on a bus.


It was actually "From A to B".


That's gonna meke it into the dictionary sometime soon as most people I know now use that phrase. You're a laughing stock.

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